Zhao Family

Happy Reading~


30 minutes had passed since Hao Tian and Zhao Qing left the market.

Currently they are in a place where there is lake water.

"Wow... Is this your house?" Hao Tian asked, admiring the beauty.

The place they were standing now was made of wood, strong.

Sturdy, showing that the trees they imported were not ordinary trees.

"Uhm, in front is the Zhao family residence, where I live." Zhao Qing explained calmly.

Without paying attention to things around her, afraid.

She was still worried, wanted to see her grandfather immediately.

*step-* *step-* *step-*

Because she was too worried, she continued to speed up her steps, while the green jade was in her right hand.

If she knew the meaning of the black spots, she would definitely be scared.

"Hah..." Hao Tian could only sigh heavily.

He didn't understand what to do anymore, didn't mean to explain.