
Happy Reading~


Zhao Qing, her face now showed an expression of disbelief.

Her eyes opened wide, shocked by his statement.

"w-what do you mean?" she asked, wanting to know why.

If what this man said was true then she almost killed her own grandfather, truly unforgivable!

Hao Tian who heard her question immediately explained in detail,

"The jade is a curse, giving people bad luck depending on what they wish for,"

"For example, if you put it on your grandfather, his illness will automatically increase, and he will die." in a serious tone, without lying.

Continue to look at Zhao Qing's face, then towards her family members.

Want to see the reaction they show. Soon enough, a small grin formed on his lips.

Looking at the black-haired man, his face was extremely dark.

As if he was the one who planned all this, so angry.