
Happy Reading~


Hao Tian, ​​when heard he was getting engaged to Zhao Qing, was not angry.

In fact, it gave him a feeling of happiness, not being forced into marriage.

That meant Zhao Tuo was still testing him, and he knew it.

Therefore he must not waste this opportunity.

Especially after this old man declared their engagement, which meant he had also accepted the request he made previously.

"huft-" Hao Tian breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that his whole plan had worked.

At first he wanted to give up, intending to leave.

But as the conversation changed, things got better.

After that, Hao Tian turned his head slightly towards Zhao Qing.

Wondering what kind of expression this woman was showing, luckily there wasn't any.

Filled with a wide smile, endlessly looking at him.

Because right now they were looking at each other, making Zhao Tuo feel awkward.