Zhao Peng

Happy Reading~


His wife and little sister wore dead expressions, hearing his words.

Their faces seemed to want to say; "Are you serious? My father/father-in-law just woke up and you're already forcing him to work? You shameless bastard!" but they restrained themselves.

Didn't mean to ruin his mood, they knew.

That his entire plan would fail, imagining Zhao Tuo beating up this damn son.

Made them unable to hold back their laughter, chuckling.

Luckily, Zhao Qing's father didn't care, and continued to be immersed in his pleasure.

He couldn't wait, waiting for tomorrow!

After that they continued to talk, about useless topics.

This went on for several minutes until finally the sound of footsteps came from outside the living room.

"Oh dad, can you walk yet?" Zhao Qing's father greeted him, standing up from his seat.

Bowed slightly, showing his respect.