Spiritual crystal

Happy Reading~


When the Bao family patriarch heard that, he immediately turned to Bao Kuo.

His face became a little nervous, not knowing how to react.

He owed this old fox again, making a bet.

Actually the entire bao clan's finances were managed by him, he, a patriarch had no talent for that.

All he knew was how to make his clan rise, it was difficult.

In the end there was nothing he could do, after failing continuously.

The moment the bai clan patriarch appeared, he offered to give him a spiritual pill.

The amount he gave was no joke, able to provide several Foundation Establishment realm cultivators.

Spiritual Pills, contain so much qi in them.

The materials needed to make it were also very difficult, only a few people could afford it.

50 year old purple green grass, 1 year old golden ginseng, and purity green leaves.

These three ingredients are quite rare, only a few clans can grow them.