
Happy Reading~


"Chen? So that's how it is, this man is indeed dangerous especially since he's still relatively young..." muttered the patriarch of the bao family, a little worried.

After hearing that Hao Tian was around 20 years old, he was frightened.

Afraid of his potential, it is very easy to reach the realm of Foundation Establishment.

Usually someone takes around 70 years to achieve this, and even then they are old.

It was very difficult for cultivators to find eternal youth pills, they were rare to find.

There were only a few alchemists who could make it, and the materials needed were rare.

Requires hundreds of years old, old plants.

Therefore, some patriarchs found it very difficult to purchase them.

The reason why the patriarch of the bao clan looked old, was because he couldn't afford it.

Usually only the top 5 ancient clans could get it, especially for women.