
As the dominant aura emanating from the statue permeated the surrounding area, the atmosphere grew heavy.

Demon beasts that soared high in the sky, exuding formidable auras, plummeted to the ground, overcome with fear. Likewise, strong cultivators who sensed the power of the statue also knelt down without hesitation.

"Swoosh" . just then, a man with a robust physique brimming with muscles and a woman who had a graceful demeanor walked through the air and came in front of the stone statue. They appeared to be in their forties. Both of them bowed toward the statue with utmost respect.

After a few seconds, the glow radiating from the statue slowly dimmed and completely vanished, as though everything that had happened just now was merely an illusion.

"It's been 20 years since he disappeared. Did you also sense it, Sera?" the man asked the woman beside him in a heavy tone.

"I only hope he will be fine. Ever since his soul pendant shattered seven years ago, I've been living in fear of hearing bad news about him," the woman started to tear up.

The man embraced her and said in a low voice, "Don't think too much about that. You know life signs of a person shown by soul pendants won't be 100% accurate. Our son will be fine; it's just that we haven't found him."

"I hope so," Sera sighed.

Back to Alvin, after he fainted:

He found himself suspended in the vast expanse of the cosmos. The swirling colors of galaxies and stars surrounded him, leaving him breathless.

Confusion clouded his mind as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. What was happening? Where was he?

As he glanced around, he noticed several godlike figures emitting terrifying auras surrounding him. Their eyes were filled with killing intent as though they wanted to devour him alive.

Seeing this, the first thought in his mind was to run as far as possible from here. But when he tried, he realized that his body was not responding to his thoughts.

He could see everything, hear everything, sense everything, but it was as though someone else was controlling his movements, and he was only a mere observer here. He was aware of everything happening around him but was powerless to intervene.

In the midst of his turmoil, fragments of memories began to surface in his mind, like whispers from the depths of his bloodline. These memories belonged to an ancient sovereign who once ruled over the universe itself.

Suddenly, it dawned on him that he was now experiencing the memories of this formidable sovereign, scenes from the past of this powerful figure stored deep within his bloodline.

Just as Alvin was deep in thought, leader of the group of divine entities surrounding him said in a heavy tone. "You have brought upon your own destruction by defying the gods, demon. Your journey ends here."

The demon sovereign's laughter echoed in response, "You are still wet behind your ears," he sneered. "If you think you can put an end to my existence, you're sorely mistaken. Go drink your mother's milk for another 10,000 years; perhaps then you might manage to leave a scratch on my body."

"You dare mock us, demon? You stand no chance against the might of the divine!" the leader thundered, his voice echoing through the vast expanse of the cosmos.

The demon sovereign chuckled darkly, "Idiot, why do you think they sent you instead of coming here on their own? They know that even if hundreds of them came, they wouldn't even be able to pluck a single hair from my head."

The leader's expression twisted with fury. "Enough of your insolence! You will learn the true meaning of fear today!"

With a sweep of his arm, the leader unleashed a torrent of celestial energy, aiming to engulf the demon sovereign in its searing embrace. But the demon merely chuckled, effortlessly evading the attacks.

"Is that the best you can muster," the demon taunted.

Enraged, the leader intensified his assault, channeling the power of the heavens into a devastating barrage of attacks. Yet, with each blow, the demon sovereign seemed to grow stronger, his laughter ringing out like thunder amidst the chaos.

"You cannot defeat me; nobody can...hahahaha...." the demon laughed out loud

"laugh as much as you want. Soon, I will wipe that cheeky smile off your face, you madman!" the leader shouted in anger.

With a wave of his hand, the leader commanded his followers to attack. Various techniques and energies surged toward the demon sovereign, but he countered them effortlessly, his movements were flaw less and full of power.

With each strike, his opponents faltered, unable to match his speed and strength.

"You call this a challenge?" the demon sovereign mocked.

The godlike figures, once confident in their superiority, now found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer force of the demon sovereign's onslaught. With each strike, they stumbled backward, their divine forms faltering under the relentless assault.

With a mighty roar, the demon sovereign unleashed his final attack, a surge of power that tore through the fabric of reality itself. The godlike figures, once proud and invincible, now lay broken and defeated, their forms fading into nothingness.

"Hahahahah..." The demon sovereign stood victorious amidst the cosmos, his laughter echoing through the void like thunder. "Who dares to challenge me next?" he boomed, his voice filled with arrogance and power.

But there was no one left to challenge him. The cosmic battlefield lay silent and empty, only echoes of his laughter remained.

Suddenly, Alvin, who remained stunned all this while, felt his vision blur, and the memories in front of him vanished, and he found himself once more in front of the golden book in his mind.