Primordial Demon vs Golden book

Alvin blinked, the vivid memories of a demon battling gods still fresh in his mind. Just then, his eyes darted towards the golden book in his mind.

Surprise jolted him. Two new pages had appeared where before there were only two. He approached the book with his will, and the first page unfolded.

Unlike the other pages, it had nothing eye-catching; this one was plain. It just said "Wisdom = 150" without any explanation.

Curious, Alvin flipped back to the pages showing his other skills. His eyes widened. A brand new "+" symbol had appeared next to each talent listed in the book!

Unable to resist, Alvin tapped the "+" symbol next to "Blacksmith."

Suddenly, a torrent of forging knowledge flooded his mind, each technique clear as if he'd practiced it for years. "That actually works?" he took a long breath to calm down his racing heart. He checked the talent description again. It now read

"Blacksmith: 60/100 (Beginner)."

"So, it boosts my skills," he muttered.

But as he once again checked the wisdom page, he noticed the reduction in his wisdom points from 150 to 100. The connection between his talents and wisdom puzzled him. Where did this skill come from? And how could he earn wisdom points?

Despite pondering for a long time, Alvin found no answers. He decided to set aside his questions for now and explore the next mysterious page. As his eyes fell upon the last page, Alvin was stunned.

The image that greeted him was breathtaking: a colossal figure with dark tattoos, laughing arrogantly. It exuded power and a sense of dominance, as if the entire universe bowed before it. Black, abyss-like eyes and dark, flowing hair completed the picture.

"It's him," Alvin gasped, recognizing the figure from his memory.

But to his confusion, the page below was blank unlike the other pages. Alvin's curiosity got the better of him, and he touched the page with his will.

In an instant, the golden book trembled violently. Alvin felt a peculiar sensation deep within his blood, as if something ancient was awakening within him. A strange sensation, deep within his blood, pulsed. And then, a figure materialized from the golden page, its presence looming over Alvin like a shadow.

As the figure appeared, Alvin felt an inexplicable connection to it.

The book itself trembled violently, straining to absorb its unwanted guest.

The figure boomed with laughter, a sound filled with madness and power. "Foolish book!" the figure roared. "I am the Great Primordial Demon, who stood at the pinnacle of the universe, these petty tricks won't work on me!"

He turned towards Alvin, his laughter turning into a chuckle. "Descendant," he rumbled, "you are fortunate. You possess a power as vast as the universe itself. It won't make you invincible overnight, but it grants you the potential for unimaginable heights."

"But unlike those petty gods and demons who bow before cosmic might," he continued, a hint of disdain creeping into his voice, "I am different." His gaze flickered towards the golden book.

"You want to erase me, will of the Great Primordial Demon, surging within his bloodline!, severing his connection to his ancestry and make him a mere vessel for you!" He laughed again, a harsh, mocking sound. "But I refuse! In the blood of my descendant, my will shall live on!"

The golden book, seemingly enraged by the demon's defiance, pulsed with a crimson light. With a resounding thud, it slammed shut, showing the face on the cover glowing with a fierce blue and red light.

Alvin, a spectator to this bizarre confrontation, felt shivers crawl down his spine. Though the gaze wasn't directed at him, a sense of overwhelming dread filled him. Yet, the demon sovereign remained unfazed.

"Trying to scare me?" he scoffed. A terrifying aura erupted from him, not as potent as the eye's presence but radiating an unyielding spirit. It wouldn't break, not even in the face of destruction.

The eyes flickered, a flicker of confusion in their fiery depths. Then, a voice resonated through Alvin's mind space, a voice like the very fabric of the universe itself.

"I came into existence when the universe did," the voice continued.

"And I only gained consciousness after merging with your descendant, demon. Understand this, I will not tolerate anything less than complete control within this body. The day he chose me, we became one. We will exist together."

Alvin's jaw hung slack. He hadn't even realized the golden book possessed a will of its own.

The booming voice from the book made the demon scoff. "So, he'll be the strongest in the universe?"

The book's reply held a hint of confusion, "Yes." It was clear that despite its power, it lacked understanding, like a young child it didn't quite grasp the concept of living beings.

Demon shook his head. "No! If he forgets everyone close to him, becomes obsessed with power, what's the point? He'll be a hollow shell, a tool for strength!" Alvin shivered. He didn't want that fate.

"Isn't cultivating about getting stronger? You, a universe-altering being, shouldn't even exist by the rules! How did you reach this point? Didn't you pursue power too?" The crimson eye questioned, confused.

The demon sovereign turned to Alvin, a smile gracing his phantom lips. "I became strong to protect those dear to me. I won't let you turn my descendant into a mindless puppet."

Silence fell for a moment, then the voice from the book spoke, "Very well then. Become part of me. Though not strong, your courage to stand up earns you a place."

The demon frowned. "What's the difference?"

The book elaborated, "Becoming a page makes you a tool, But becoming a part of me, like Alvin, makes you part of the Eye of Intent."

Alvin, hesitantly, piped up from the side, "Um... Eye God? Are you saying I was two people, and now I'll be three?"

The book's voice said definitively, "I'm your soul, not an another person."

The demon reassured Alvin, "Don't worry, kid. As long as my blood flows through you, you will remain you, the descendant of the Primordial Demon." Without further resistance, the demon allowed himself to be absorbed by the book. However, instead of becoming a page, he merged with the figure on the cover of the golden book.

A thunderous explosion echoed through Alvin's mind as he merged with the golden book. Pain, soul-crushing pain, ripped through Alvin. He felt like he was dying. Then, darkness engulfed him.