Chapter 57: Mr. Lu is about to explode, three minutes left.

Chapter 57: Mr. Lu is about to explode, three minutes left.

This was the closest Lu Chengwen had ever been to death.

The system had reminded him that he had a total of seven chances, each time as the antagonist, and each time following the script meant certain death for him.

In the previous six instances, Lu Chengwen had been completely bewildered the first two times and had died confusedly.

By the time he understood the situation and wanted to make a good play of it, he found it difficult to change the outcome set by the antagonist each time and died two more times.

From the fifth time onwards, he had become very anxious.

No one had the same experience as him, dying five times in a row in four different worlds, plus his original real-world experience!

Death, once, was enough to terrify people to the extreme.

And Lu Chengwen, after dying five times repeatedly, had already reached the peak of fear.

The fifth time he crossed over was his best performance; he survived for three days.

But in the end, it was still a small negligence, and he lost all.

Through repeated "deaths," Lu Chengwen realized the truth, that as an antagonist, one could not afford to make mistakes.

A small mistake could lead to catastrophic consequences, with no chance of redemption.

And now it was his last chance; if he died at the hands of the protagonist this time...

Then there would be no rewards, no return to the real world... nothing at all.

He would have to accept his fate of death and become a true dead man.

So, Lu Chengwen remained calm and humble this time because he knew that a small mercy could save a big plan.

He had no more chances; he couldn't afford any mistakes.

One mistake, and it would be irreversible!

Now, Long Autian was right in front of him.

The anger in Lu Chengwen's heart was indescribable!

Long Autian!

You are the protagonist!

You are powerful! You have many treasures! Many brothers! Many techniques! Many methods! A wide network! You have everything!

All the beautiful women belong to you!

The hard work of several generations of major families all ends up being yours!

This world belongs to you!

Everything belongs to you!

And me! Am I destined to be just a piece of meat on your chopping board, huh?

Is my existence only meant to be an insignificant episode in your glorious life, no matter how I struggle, no matter how I compromise or yield, the end result will only be a tiny footnote in your magnificent life, right?


Damn system, does it just want to see the ugly face of a nobody like me, a poor delivery boy who suddenly becomes rich?

Does it want to see me humble, humiliated, wracking my brains to survive?

Does it want to see me bow and scrape before the protagonist, willingly becoming a miserable lackey to survive?

Lu Chengwen's eyes were bloodshot as he looked at Long Autian, burning with anger.

"Nice gaze," Long Autian said casually, "but none of the enemies I've encountered have ever defeated me with just a look."

He walked up to Lu Chengwen: "How about this, you become my dog, and I'll look after you from now on."

Lu Chengwen's eyelids twitched: "Why should I invest in the amusement park project?"

"The amusement park project will become a landmark building in Xuecheng. From now on, it will be the new shopping, leisure, and entertainment center of Xuecheng. Its potential is limitless."

Long Autian sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and leisurely said, "Anyway, after the project succeeds, I'll review the project accounts for the amusement park, and all the income will be distributed by me. This matter must not be known to anyone, only you and I understand it. You spend the money, but the money earned belongs to me."

Lu Chengwu clenched his fist, "What if I disagree?"

"Hehe." Long Autian stood up, walked to Lu Chengwen's side, and lightly patted his shoulder, "You will agree. Think about your family, your father, mother, oh right, you also have a younger brother, right?"

Inside, Lu Chengwu was about to rush out, but Chen Mengyun held him back, while Xu Xuejiao quickly covered his mouth, sternly telling him not to make a sound.

Long Autian arrogantly said, "Iron Lump King, that idiot can go to hell, he's a fool who disrupts plans. But there are also Bronze Lump King, Silver Lump King, Gold Lump King... over a hundred insignificant kings waiting for you, right? I don't need to dirty my hands to bring ruin to your family. Think it over."

Hearing Long Autian's threat, especially when he mentioned "mother".

Lu Chengwen's rationality returned a bit.

With this kind of beast, you can't confront him head-on! You can only outsmart him!

"Alright. I agree."

"That's good, remember, your life, your family's life, are in my hands." Long Autian threatened, "Dare to play tricks, I'll make your whole family disappear."

Long Autian left.

Lu Chengwen sat on the sofa, expressionless.

Not angry, not anxious, not happy, nor unhappy, just calm, terrifyingly calm.

He held a glass of wine, looking at the night scene outside the window, with a smile that wasn't quite a smile, and a fury that wasn't quite fury.

A group of people walked out from inside, but Lu Chengwen didn't even glance at them.

Xu Xuejiao approached first, smiling, "Brother Lu..."

"You guys leave."

Lu Chengwen interrupted.

Xu Xuejiao said, "What's so arrogant about him? We're united, I don't believe we can't beat him..."

Lu Chengwen turned his head, looking at Xu Xuejiao, "This is between him and me, it doesn't involve anyone else. Stay away from me in the future."

Xu Xuejiao was about to say something, but Chen Mengyun pulled her back and shook her head.

Chen Mengyun had never seen Lu Chengwen like this.

He always wore his emotions on his sleeve.

When making money, and taking advantage, he wished he could jump three feet high and let the whole world know.

When losing money, or suffering losses, he would be extremely furious, and no one around him would have a good outcome.

But today, his silence suddenly seemed terrifying.

Terrifying in a way that scared people.

Lu Chengwen continued to look outside the window.

"Zhao Gang, see the guests off."

Zhao Gang fully understood that his boss's mood at this moment must be the worst in history.

Zhao Gang whispered, "Everyone, let's go back and rest for a while, the boss needs to take a break."

Zhang Shenger breathed out a sigh of relief and took out a recorder, "He has threatened you today, according to normal procedure, you can sue him."

Lu Chengwen smiled.

At this moment, Lu Chengwen's smile seemed somewhat terrifying.

In reality, it was just an ordinary smile.

But for some reason, at this moment, Zhang Shenger suddenly realized that he seemed to have never really understood this person.

This smile of his made Zhang Shenger suddenly distracted, feeling that this person was truly worthy of being the eldest son of the Lu family, the current president of the Great Saint Group.

He truly had the demeanor of a great general.

There were raging waves in his chest, but his expression was so calm, his smile so indifferent.

Yet in that indifferent smile, one could see strength, endurance, resilience, and unbending will.

Zhang Shenger didn't even notice that his own voice had softened a lot, "Once you feel a substantial threat, call the police immediately."

Lu Chengwen smiled: "Thank you."

Passing by Tang Yiyi, Lu Chengwen paused.

Tang Yiyi thought she was finished.

This was trespassing in a private residence, and there was a police friend on the scene. If Lu Chengwen wanted to make trouble, her friend would have to personally take her away.


"Miss Yiyi, you've worked hard. Go back and rest."

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry, I didn't have time to talk to you today. Let's arrange another time."

Now even Zhang Shen was confused.

Was Tang Yiyi invited by him!?

Lu Chengwen walked into the bedroom, lay on the bed, and pondered about life.

This feeling of being manipulated by others is really damn unpleasant.

The people in the house each had their own thoughts. They left one after another. Zhang Shen and Tang Yiyi shared a car, while Chen Mengyun and Xu Xuejiao, realizing that they both liked Lu Chengwen, felt awkward and chatted for a while before going home separately.


The next day, Mayor Zhao invited everyone to a meeting again.

But on the main street outside the government building, Lu Chengwen saw residents from the shantytown gathering to protest.

Many people opposed the Big Saint Group taking over the shantytown project, believing that Lu Chengwen, this unscrupulous businessman, wanted to drain the blood and sweat money from the common people, causing a big uproar...

As soon as Lu Chengwen got out of the car, he was surrounded by a group of people. Zhao Gang, with several bodyguards, tightly protected Lu Chengwen.

Leng Qingqiu also instructed his men to hurry over to help, otherwise Lu Chengwen might be torn apart by the ignorant common people.

Lu Chengwen's face turned cold. Without saying a word, he walked towards the building. But after only a few steps, he saw a security guard forcefully pushing an old lady. He immediately became furious: "Let go!"

Lu Chengwen's suppressed emotions erupted. Regardless of his own safety, he rushed over and pulled the bewildered bodyguard aside: "How old is she? Are you crazy to push her so hard?"

The old lady didn't understand Lu Chengwen's intentions at all. A rotten egg smashed onto Lu Chengwen's face, and she angrily cursed:

"It's been three years! It's been three years since this project! We haven't seen a penny of it. We're renting houses everywhere. My grandson can't even get into school. I'm running out of medicine! You rich people live in villas, and drive luxury cars, have you ever thought about the lives of poor people? My son broke his leg while delivering takeout, and he's still in the hospital!"

The bodyguard still wanted to push the old lady, but Lu Chengwen angrily said, "Don't push her!"

As the bodyguard loosened his grip, the old lady rushed forward and grabbed Lu Chengwen, scratching his face.

Several bodyguards hurried over to persuade and separate them.

"Three bosses have changed! They took the money and left! You people are sucking the blood of the poor! You bunch of scoundrels..."


Less than two hundred meters away, Lu Chengwen walked for more than twenty minutes.

Standing in the bathroom, Jiang Shihan, with red eyes, tidied up Lu Chengwen's clothes, muttering to herself, "What kind of people are they! We didn't pocket the previous money! If you want to get angry, find the right person. Who did we provoke..."

Lu Chengwen looked at his bedraggled self in the mirror and suddenly smiled.

Jiang Shihan's phone rang: "Have you arrived? Hurry up, use the back door, and tell the gatekeeper, that Mr. Lu's clothes are all ruined, and there's still the smell of rotten eggs, he can't wear this to the meeting! Hurry up!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Shihan apologized, "Mr. Lu, please wait a moment. We're nearby. The new clothes will be delivered soon."

"No, with this outfit, let's go to the meeting!"

"Mr. Lu..."


In the meeting room, as soon as Lu Chengwen entered, everyone's eyes turned to him.

Obviously, everyone had heard about what happened outside, and many people already had videos of Lu Chengwen being pelted with rotten eggs on their phones.

Lu Chengwen blushed, with scratches still visible on his face, smiled, and said, "Sorry, sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

Mayor Zhao felt very guilty: "Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, the common people don't know the whole story and acted impulsively. You have to understand!"

"I understand, I understand." Lu Chengwen sat down generously, and people around him covered their noses.

The smell of rotten eggs was quite refreshing.

Mayor Zhao said, "I heard some rumors that the Big Saint Group is withdrawing its investment. Mr. Lu, today we called you here to confirm this in front of everyone..."

"Is there a need to confirm this?!" Hu Shuhui stood up again, "It's already spread in the circle. They say the Big Saint Group wants to pull out the shit they've already thrown out! Hmph, if the Big Saint Group withdraws its investment, our thirty million donation will also be canceled!"

Hu Shuhui stirred up the waters again, and many companies expressed their opinions one after another. Some said Lu Chengwen was not sincere, mocking Mayor Zhao and Secretary Wu.

Others said the Big Saint Group only cared about profit, using the shantytown project to gain popularity and now withdrawing its investment. If it withdraws, it has to renegotiate the assistance projects promised to the government.

There were even more harsh criticisms, saying that Lu Chengwen was just making a fuss. He had only taken advantage his whole life and had never seen him do anything decent...

The scene became chaotic for a while.

But none of the people from the four major families said a word.

Leng Qingqiu remained silent, just watching Lu Chengwen.

Chen Mengyun and Xu Xuejiao didn't talk to anyone, didn't even look at anyone, just stared at Lu Chengwen.

Mayor Zhao was already angry.

Secretary Wu was furious and shouted, "Please pay attention to the order of the meeting!"

Mayor Zhao sighed, with a hint of suppressed anger in his eyes, "Mr. Lu, it's your turn to speak."

Lu Chengwen stood up and smiled again.