Chapter 58 I am the protagonist

Chapter 58 I am the protagonist 

As Lu Chengwen stood up, the room fell silent.

Today, Lu Chengwen has completely transformed.

The rogue's gaze was gone, and the sly smile vanished.

The current Lu Chengwen was elegant, confident, and graceful, with the stench of rotten eggs permeating the entire conference room.

Lu Chengwen said:

"Did everyone see that? Just now, my suit was torn by an old lady, and my face and neck were scratched. Why? Her grandson couldn't go to school, because her son broke his leg delivering takeout and the family lost their source of income. After all, she was sick and couldn't even afford medicine. So... I became her punching bag."

"Ahem." Mayor Zhao quickly explained, "Sometimes people can be impulsive because they face difficulties in life. Ultimately, it's our government that hasn't done enough..."

Lu Chengwen unexpectedly raised his hand and boldly interrupted Mayor Zhao.

This surprised not only Mayor Zhao, Secretary Wu, and all the entrepreneurs.

"Sorry, Mayor Zhao, please let me finish."

Lu Chengwen continued, "But the old lady said something that really inspired me. She shouted at my face, 'Do you rich people who drive luxury cars and live in villas ever think about the lives of the poor?'"

Lu Chengwen clapped his hands: "This has been the truth since ancient times. Today, I, Lu Chengwen, solemnly emphasize here!"

Everyone held their breath.

Lu Chengwen enunciated each word with force: "Dasheng Group will take full responsibility for the shantytown project..."

As soon as Lu Chengwen said this, Mayor Zhao let out a sigh of relief, showing how heavy the pressure of governance had been on him!

Leng Qingqiu, Xu Xuejiao, and Chen Mengyun were all astonished.

They truly didn't recognize the Lu Chengwen of today.

Was this the same Lu Chengwen who always took advantage and never suffered any losses?

Hadn't he been threatened by Long Aotian just yesterday?

There was a terrifying assassin group behind Long Aotian threatening him, and yet he...

Lu Chengwen's eyes were about to burst into flames: "Dasheng Group can lose all its wealth, but we must ensure that every old lady in Xuecheng can afford medicine! Ensure that every child in Xuecheng can go to school! Ensure that the lives of every grassroots worker in Xuecheng are guaranteed!"

Mayor Zhao was moved!

This was a man of conscience! A conscientious entrepreneur!

If Lu Chengwen truly fulfilled these promises, he would be a hero of Xuecheng!

He would be a great business leader who won back the hearts of the people!

Just as he was about to lead the applause, Lu Chengwen angrily emphasized:

"Also! I want to rectify the farmers' market!"

Everyone was stunned. What did this have to do with the farmers' market!?

Lu Chengwen roared in grievance, "Don't sell rotten eggs to the old lady! I suggest that vendors who sell rotten eggs be shot first, then arrested, then have their fingernails pierced with bamboo sticks, and then soaked in salt water..."

Mayor Zhao quickly stood up: "Alright, alright, stop bothering the rotten egg sellers. This... let's give President Lu a round of applause! Thank President Lu for his dedication to the people of Xuecheng!"

Lu Chengwen, still indignant, showed Mayor Zhao: "This suit of mine is very expensive, it's so embarrassing after what the old lady did..."

"Yes, yes, this suit is on me, I'll personally compensate you!"

"The main thing is this smell, Mayor, smell it..."

"Shut up!" Mayor Zhao was amused and exasperated, "Be careful or I'll hit you!"

Lu Chengwen continued, "Also! I request the working group comrades to immediately count all those who have difficulties in life. Dasheng Group will pay their rent for the past three years in one lump sum! For children who can't go to school, you need to find a way. How come children can't go to school? They are clearly entitled to housing! Also, for shantytown residents who are unable to work due to illness or injury, specific policies should be introduced for their medical expenses. Our Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory can cooperate deeply and provide them with one-on-one assistance at cost price..."

"That's wonderful!" Mayor Zhao excitedly shook Lu Chengwen's hand, speechless with joy, and patted Lu Chengwen's shoulder repeatedly, "Chengwen! On behalf of the people of Xuecheng, I thank you!"

"And the rotten egg sellers..."

"Stop it! Can you forget about the rotten egg sellers for now?"

"But this smell on me, Mayor, smell it..."

Mayor Zhao was going crazy: "Are the clothes delivery people here yet? Can we get this kid to shut up!?"

Mayor Zhao was overjoyed.

It was difficult to cook without rice. The city's economy hadn't been good for the past two years.

He had been in office for two and a half years and had a lot of things he wanted to do, but he just didn't have the money!

And the shantytown renovation project was weighing heavily on everyone.

If this project could be implemented!

Then Xuecheng would definitely usher in its spring immediately!

How difficult was it to get entrepreneurs to pay?

Not only could the government not afford much for this project, but someone had to take responsibility for the historical debts.

It was really like begging your grandparents, but entrepreneurs might give you face, but asking them to throw in billions to watch it go down the drain? No one would do that.

He had thought of countless ways, but he just lacked a leader, a big brother to take the initiative.

Fortunately, Lu Chengwen had a brain fart... no, he was noble and righteous, with a heart for the people.

Otherwise, if this matter dragged on for a few years, Xuecheng wouldn't be ruined, but it would definitely miss out on good development opportunities because of this project.

Mayor Zhao immediately held a press conference to announce the news to the people of the city.

At the same time, Lu Chengwen asked Li Meiqin to directly transfer the 5 billion received yesterday to the account of the Shantytown Project Working Group of the Municipal Government.

With this money in his hands, Mayor Zhao's back straightened!

When I, Old Zhao, first came to Xuecheng, the city's development wasn't this fast. It lacked large financing projects, a leading enterprise, and most importantly, it lacked money.

I went to the provincial leaders, and guess what they said?

Go away, we don't have money, but we have plenty of tasks! See how much our heads are worth, Old Zhao, and go exchange them for money!

If I had money, what would I need you for? If you, Old Zhao, can be mayor, then you can get money!

Otherwise, go home and take care of your kids, don't embarrass me here!

Just like that, I found the four major families headed by Lu Chengwen.

Now the 5 billion funds were in place!

With money in my pocket, my back was straight!

Without this money, would I dare to hold a press conference with such fanfare!?

Dream on!

Of course, this was Mayor Zhao's inner monologue.

It had to be said that Mayor Zhao was really efficient in spending money.


This project had been weighing on Mayor Zhao for so long that he could barely breathe. The basic calculations and various plans had been done several times, but there was just no money!

Now that there was money, he could immediately give an explanation to the people.

There were about 200,000 original residents in the shantytown. Based on an average of four people per household, there were about 70,000 households.

Distributing a housing subsidy of 4,000 yuan per household per year would amount to 280 million to 90 million. For three years, that would be nearly 10 billion.

The remaining 4 billion could be used as employment subsidies, education subsidies, and medical subsidies to compensate the people for their losses over the past three years.

Simply put, 5 billion should be more than enough, and there would even be some surplus.

The key was that this could quell the people's dissatisfaction, increase their confidence in the project, and at the same time, truly solve their problems.

Lu Chengwen insisted on not attending the press conference.

Even though Mayor Zhao repeatedly assured him that not even half an egg would be allowed in, Lu Chengwen still refused.


Lu Chengwen gathered Leng Qingqiu, Xu Xuejiao, and Chen Mengyun in the conference room and took out three contracts.

They were guarantee contracts, meaning that regardless of how the project developed, Dasheng Group would guarantee that they would recover their principal.

The three women all realized that Lu Chengwen was crazy.

He would rather give all the money to the people of Xuecheng to do practical things than let Long Aotian benefit.

But this move would definitely anger Long Aotian.

Judging from the previous situation, Long Aotian had the support of dark forces behind him and would definitely not let him go.

Leng Qingqiu glanced at the contract, sneered, and tore it up directly.

Lu Chengwen was shocked: "Qingqiu, what are you doing!?"

Leng Qingqiu said, "I have money now, what do I need your guarantee for? I only invested less than 5 billion, it's fine if I lose it all. If I sign this contract, am I still human?"

After saying that, she also glanced at Xu Xuejiao and Chen Mengyun.

Chen Mengyun smiled faintly and also tore up the contract: "A mere 20 billion, I can afford to lose it. Besides, it's not necessarily a total loss. So many new houses will be built in the shantytown area. If the momentum picks up, we might even make money."

Lu Chengwen said, "Mengyun, this is a big deal, you'd better discuss it with your family."

Chen Mengyun got angry and looked at Lu Chengwen: "Do you think I'm not as good as Leng Qingqiu?"

Leng Qingqiu smiled provocatively from the side. She was deliberately provoking Chen Mengyun's competitiveness, wanting her to tear up the contract.

Lu Chengwen explained, "That's not what I meant, this isn't a competition..."

"It is a competition!" Chen Mengyun said, "You trust Leng Qingqiu, but not me!"

Leng Qingqiu looked over. While they were arguing, Xu Xuejiao had already signed the contract, carefully examined it, and was very happy.

Leng Qingqiu snorted. Chen Mengyun turned her head and was surprised.

Xu Xuejiao walked up to Lu Chengwen with the contract and put her arm around his shoulder: "Little Luzi!"

"What did you call me?"

Xu Xuejiao smiled mischievously: "嗱, you owe your big sister a huge favor today!"

Saying that she also tore up the contract she had just signed and made a face at Lu Chengwen.

Lu Chengwen suddenly felt a warmth in his heart.

What he had done would definitely attract a lot of hatred.

These three confidantes actually supported him so much.

What was support? Giving you real money, not treating money as money, and sharing huge losses with you, was definitely genuine support!

Xu Xuejiao giggled: "Little Luzi, what are you going to do next?"

Lu Chengwen looked at her: "You should stop putting your arm around me like that, you're a girl, be more careful."

"Oh, come on." Xu Xuejiao said, "Hey! I heard your dad called my dad!"

"So what?"

"Don't you want to know what they talked about?"


Lu Chengwen said, "What are you all still doing here? Go home."

Leng Qingqiu came over: "Chengwen, what are you going to do next? Long Aotian won't let this go."

Xu Xuejiao rolled her eyes dramatically.

Leng Qingqiu glanced at her but ignored her.

Lu Chengwen laughed: "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. If my head falls off, it's just a scar the size of a bowl. I've beaten him before, and I want to see if this bastard is truly invincible."

Chen Mengyun said, "You should still hire more bodyguards, just to be safe."

Lu Chengwen laughed.

[What's the use of bodyguards? Can't Long Aotian's men handle a few bodyguards?]

[I guess I'm in a dead end now. Before I die, I have to finish what I need to do.]

[Since I can't change it, I might as well fight with all my might! In your world, Long Aotian, you're the big protagonist! But in my world, Lu Chengwen, I'm the protagonist!]

[I may not be able to change anything else, but if I can get the shantytown project off the ground before I die! In the future, when skyscrapers are rising from the ground and thousands of households living in peace and contentment! Then I won't have lived in vain!]

[Long Aotian! I've been avoiding you before, but today, I've decided to stop dodging and fight you to the death!]

[I have to distance myself from these girls so they don't get dragged down with me.]

Thinking of this, Lu Chengwen turned around and said with a straight face: "Alright, the contracts are signed, all of you get out of here, don't bother me if there's nothing important. I get annoyed just looking at you brats."

After Lu Chengwen finished speaking, he noticed that the three girls weren't angry but were instead smiling at him.

Lu Chengwen was a little confused.

[Are they three fools? ]