silence.......( People grouped in the middle of the beach while the sun is setting down reflecting the sun rays are looking like golden coloured rays to kiss the earth of gold in colour sand watching the snakes n ladders game which harry is holding)
Adi: badump
snakes n ladders game said harry.
how did you carry this asked aki..?
Dev: ...
Adi: badump..
grandma gave it to me while i was preparing things said harry.
Aki: hmm.
Adi: badump..
Anyways let's play said harry..
badump badump... why is my heart racing.. is it my blood pressure went down r what...? Thinks adi.
what do you think adi. are you ok.? do you wanna play..? asked sid.
hm. i am alright. badump.. you dont have to be a flee around me always. i can play. Said adi.
Sid: hmm.
hey let's play let's play said aki.
.....? dev is thinking ( but it looks like a blackish brown crate... too authentic and heritage. such old style look of a book.. and secret lock opening with a key and way more heavier outlook.. ahh what are... snakes guarding a door.. is it a pattern..? is it really a game board..?).
ok i am opening it said harry.
Adi: badump badump badump
ah its not opening. is it the key wrong.. said harry
badump badump badump badump badump badump.. adi heart is racing amonk.
hmm may be...( with suspicion face )said aki.
dev and sid stood there watching.
(adi.... a faint voice) whispered in adi mind.
ahh. Adi looks besides him.. with a surprised expression.
What happened Adi asked sid.
mmm a misquote... said adi.
whoosh.. The wind is blowing.
(wind blows... adi try it to open.. a voice said in adi mind....)
haa.. looks around again..(adi gazes sid again. ah what is it. ghosts..)
sid gazes adi.
adi looks on the scrap wooden box. umm let me try it guys.
adi took the key from harry and..
wooshhhh wooooshhhhh a heavy wind blows.. roar roar roar splash splash heavy ocean tides.... as they tried to opened the game box environment making noices.
dev: why is the wind blowing heavily?
click.... Opening sound.
Adi put a confused expression.
silent in the atmosphere.
it opened said harry.
ya. so let's start the game.. said aki.
Let's start the game said harry.
dev is dazed meanwhile.
What happened dev...? asked sid.
Dev: nothing.. lets play.( what is this feeling.?)
wow coloured stones... no. It's beads.. they are shining like stars. i saw so many horses which escort us throughout the game to complete it but i here instead horse beads are used. I never saw such colour full beads. It must be our grandparents'childhood time.. An antique one. so much old.. are else we cant see such luxuries look. what do u say guys.. says aki.
yeah says adi.
they say old is gold bro. ok you all know the rules right. so let's start putting our beads on the black forest of starting position and using dice we can play. i pick green bead says harry.
i pick violet says aki.
i choose blue say adi.
mm a red bead says sid.
gold for me says dev.
Ok. all of us settled now. i will strike first says harry while taking the dice.
why you little.. let me be the first says aki while holding harry's hand.
aki let it go says harry
no said aki.
aki let him be. says dev.
Meanwhile adi took the dice from harry and rolled on the board.
whoooosh whoooosh.
roar roar splash splash.
As they started the environment around them is making havoc.
next my turn says aki.
(haaa.what is that.. dev watching around.. looking the atmosphere...)
dev..what r u watching.. its your turn says sid.
nothing.. takes dice from sid.(it must be my hallucination? Thinks Dev.)
Hey let's eat popsicles while playing. here guys... says aki while picking the cover.
oh here you guys are..( voice comes from the backside of them.)