Ep 19

As aki listened to the voices he turned and saw. As if he was disturbed by watching it said Yikes.

ha who is that..? asked adi..

no... no... no.. why did they come? said aki..

dev and sid saw the girls. both came walking towards them. harry was so shocked and stunned like a robot by watching them.

how come all boys left us.. without telling us... said ila.

yes. not even sid also... haaaaaaaary even u also didnt told us nor invite us to the beach party. (how can you guys enjoy without us..? taking both dev and sid to your own self.. i will take sid away. hehhhh. now see what are the consequences for not telling us.. hehhhh.) said

elina with a grin face.

umm. no sisters. hm heh heh muttered harry with a little fear.

oh. then what are you doing here..? says ila.

harry:ahhh umm..

we called him. leave him alone. even though we didn't inform you.. but both are here by standing next to us. so why the complaint..? said aki while pouting with an ice bar in his mouth..

how did you girls come here asks dev.

We rode by taxi to reach here since no one told us said Elina.

then how do you know now said adi.. with a sour face.

Grandma told us that you went here so here we are..(just watch how we will ruin this party of yours with a smirk.) said ila

anyways now you both came here already just come n enjoy yourself but dont do anything funny and dont go anywhere without telling us says dev.

both grinned their teeth and reached them.. sat near to sid n dev.

what are you playing asks ila.

what am i going to do now. both of them will rampage on me later.. what should i do.. sweats a little.. Thinks harry.

here harry its you turn says adi while giving the dice to him.

(ahh yes everyone is here. i have to stay away from both of my sister's.. Harry recovers and takes the dice.) ah yes..

hey i want to play says ila and puts a finger on the board with a devil look.

(harry stopped and saw her evil looks. takes a deep breath. i think i shouldn't avoid them or i will be killed. what should i do. if they also start playing with us then.. ) umm. sorry guys i dont wanna play anymore.. i quit. Said harry with fearred expression.

ahh what says aki.(what is it now. he is the one who wants to play most. why this little bum?)

i quit too says adi.

what..? says aki.( even adi too. damn its because of these girls..)

i too.. says sid.

such a mood killers chhaa. with a disgusting look says aki with a low voice.

umm. then wrap it up carefully harry says dev..

what but i too wanna play says elina. why all quit and wrapping it.( what is he even saying.?)

aki: if it isn't because of you both.. it wouldn't happen.. says while searching for an ice bar.

hey dev its not fair. why now. says ila.(damn dev might be angry..?)

do you think that if we play along with you guys you might lose to us and be scared.. ha dev? says elina.

you shouldn't poke yourself everywhere understand Elina says adi..

what did you say adi. with an irritated look. (took sid's hand and cross linked.. while watching sid..) see sid how adi is such a child still... says elina.

what... says adi with a furious look.

adi leave it. and elina dont say unnecessary words says dev.

why are you stopping her dev. she is saying the truth. adi is still a baby just like harry.. isn't he...? says ila while holding dev hand.( why are u even defending them.?)

dev gazes at her hand and tries to release it.

yesss yes he is still a baby. my bro is still a baby. hehe heh heh says aki..

ila why are you here says dev while releasing his hand.

um dev. we just want to play with you guys. says ila. while trying again to hold his hand.( i am not gonna loose here. dev...)

then why are you putting a show here. release my hand. guys just wrap everything we are going back. says dev.

what dev its not fair. we just came now. how can you decide on your own says ila.( idiot dev always leaving me behind..)

you idiot dev. its not that much time either how can we leave without killing a little time here says aki.

even though you girls came we should go back... its already 6:05 o'clock. we will come tomorrow if you all want.. its not safe to go in ocean right now. tides are heavy at this time too and not safe either for girls to stay out at beach at dark.(says dev while watching aki..)