Ep 22

wait ahhhhh

ahhh ahhhhhh shouts while falling.

help me asked harry while falling.

why are we in the sky. I clearly remember i am standing on a surface now why am i falling. Thinks adi while falling.

everyone is falling from the sky.

woooooosh woooosh wind blows.

what is happening is it because of me... what to do now. All of these are only clouds. we are only crossing clouds.... is there any land at the end...? we are falling so fast too.... why...? At this rate everyone will get hurt because of the air flow leading to brain nerves damage. We don't have anything on us... what should I do... thinks dev.

woooooosh woooooooosh

Everyone listens to me. close your ears and stay in a sleeping position until we reach the end. if you see any land tell me ok says dev loudly.

so cold. what did u say. I can't hear you says aki.

sleep..? adi says.

woosh wooooosh

whaaaaat.... says aki. and flies towards before to dev for asking.

woosh woosh

All of them still falling.

how long has it been that we are still in the sky and falling continuously says harry while doing yoga.

don't know just sleep says aki.

do you think we can sleep in a situation where your life is in the middle of the sky shouts harry.

don't argue guys we will think of something.. says dev.

can you really think like that dev. I am telling you just go back to sleep and wake up from this dream where we can't see an end. Says adi.

woosh woosh

yeah wh.. cooling gone suddenly. it's warm..? am I the only one who is feeling this warm.. aki says with a low voice.

guys haaaah its rising.. the warm temperature.... says aki.

flash flash

shhh swish

Suddenly ivory flames just crossed and burned them.

ahh. where did those flames come from. Asks harry

a big shadow was approaching them.



Adi: ahhh

Aki: ahhh what is that sound. my ears...

Dev: everyone close your ears..

shadow approached them.

ha it.... it's .. a ship... says harry.

no it's a whale. says dev

but it's flying.... says aki.

maybe it's all just a dream says harry.

woosh woosh


Suddenly everyone is falling rapidly..


guys hold on to others hands... each other.... says dev.

all of them gather and hold like a circle.

woosh woosh

clouds are clearing. land. we are approaching. says harry.

ahhh there is a land ahead... says aki while panicking.

don't worry guys. since everyone can swim let's go and jump into that river. it will be safe for us but try to not go with the water flow. it will be dangerous says dev.

nooooooo screams aki.

splash splash..

all of them dropped into the river.

bubbles bubbles.

splash. breaths..is everyone alright guys. asks dev.

splash i am good says sid.

splashes splashes tides

aki.... adi... harry. where are you shouts dev.

splash adi comes out from the river top. breaths breath.

are you alright adi. asks sid.

breath breath. yes.

squirt squirt.

ha what is going on. am I going up and the water level is draining down says adi.

ha there you are aki. are you alright asks dev.

Aki: breath breath. nods.

harry harry shouts dev.

splash splash. ha breaths. I am here. Says and harry comes to shore.

ha water is draining... says aki.

ha breaths what... says harry.

(yes. it's not good.) let's get to the river bed. fast guys shouts dev.

what says adi with a surprise look.

speed up. run fast to the land. shouts and runs dev while holding harry and aki hands.

water has gone back and made a killer wave.

splashes splashes tides are roaring

it hit everything which approached it.

bubbles bubbles

it took everyone down to the waterfall... near to the end of the forest.

cough cough

breath breath.

opens eyes slowly. where am i. says harry.

are u alive says sid.

shock. acck. harry was surprised.

where are we sid.

sid glares at him.

why are you glaring at me...?

sid stands up and picks up the snake who fainted under the harry.


s... ahhh.... snake

sid throws away into the bushes.

Harry: phew thanks sid.

sid glares and moves into the woods.

hey you dont leave me.... harry panics and follows sid into the forest.

Harry: hey Sid slow down for me. Do you think everyone is alright.? Asks harry. Blah blah. Hey will you listen to me.

As adi washed out by that wave stucked himself to a tree. He somehow gets back to the big tree.

ahh ouch. aki opened his eyes. ha where is this place. hand.. ha dev..

he is still holding my hand. are you ok dev. wake up. hey dev..

is there anyone here. adi... sid.... harry.

hey guys.

hmmmm um. dev is getting his consciousness.

aki: dev wake up. see no one is here. wake up dev.

dev opens his eyes.

ha breaths coughs coughs.

dev are you ok asks aki.

Dev: ahh aki.

hey can you see me. our cousins are missing. get up. I don't know where they could be but I am sure those 3 guys must be safe. so hurry up. Says aki.

dev wakes up and hugs aki.

Aki: hey hey hey. don't be mellow dramatic. I am alright.

yes. let's go says dev and releases him.

hi guys.

ha did you listen that says aki.

yes. says dev.

ha ha ha ha.

spooky. yikes who are laughing like that. so evil. blah.. says aki.

Who are you…? Asks dev.

Booooooh boo I am here...

Dev, aki searches around.

look at me. Just leave it. Go straight into the forest to the middle where the largest tree lies.

Why should we go there? Who are you? Why should we listen…? What is this place? Asks dev.

Just follow me I am with you. You will get your answers if you go there.

Both went as they heard and reached the centre where a big tree with figures of all animals and humans carved on its trunk.

ha.. aki scratches his head.

we did reach here as per that voice.. but then now what says aki.

Harry: yo dev and aki.

Aki: hello half ticket so you are also here. boo that silent killer sid is here too. heh heh then where is my beloved little brother. ayoo he lost his way since he is a kid... heh heh heh.

who are you calling a kid aki says adi with a fierce voice from the back of the tree.

hoo look at that. he is also here ha says aki with a grin.

welcome everyone. a voice came so loudly.