ha ha haaa.
who are you... show yourself.. says dev loudly.
step step step.. (sounds)
as the sound raised the tree rots was cracking... a hole made on the tree barks..
all of them are in a shock and dazed. light shown from the hole.
ahhh. what...
everyone closed their eyes.
please open your eyes....
all of them opened their eyes and were shocked to see such a dazzling person.
who are you asked dev.
with a bright smile on his face said "i am aaraksh. you can call me aara or aarav shortly.I am here to guide you guys."
what... you are here to guide us...? to where asked aki...?
to your destination said aarav.
our destination. where? said harry.
aarav just smiled again.
so can you answer me for my reasons mr.aarav. said dev with doubt.
yes please ask.i will answer within my limits. said aarav politely.
meanwhile adi is in the confusion to see that person who is covered with jewels on his neck and wored a blackish green coloured patiala with a broadly silky crape along greenish hair, emerald like eyes shining under the shade of the life tree with a pleased smile on face.... and sid is watching adi.
woosh woosh.
harry, sid, aki, adi are watching them.
without any hesitation.. dev asked who are you exactly..?
aarav just smiled again..
answer me. where are we..? what is this place..?
In the forest of the outside world.
Dev: what is this world name then.. ?
aarav asked what game all of you played at the beach...?
dev was shocked....
aarav smiled with joy.
Are we really... said dev. but how could that be possible. it's really impossible. how did....
dev what's going on asked harry.
hey dev what is it asked aki with a silly face.
we are in the game... whispered harry with a surprised expression as he suddenly realised.
Aki: what.. game.. what are you talking about half ticket.. punched harry on his head.
what we are in the game.. adi surprised.
waah. ouch...aki.. you.. why did you do that.. isn't it enough we are stuck here.. that you are bothering me more... both started fighting.
aarav smirked and crossed his hand. so dev....?
ho.. how.. can we be here.. asked dev...?
aarav smiled again..
Dev: please tell me mister aarav.
Aarav: I can't.
so then.. asked dev.
Aarav: someone will answer you. so be patient until then.
what about those snakes then..? they just told the navigation to come here only didn't answer any of my other questions. why..? asked dev.
obviously, they are my followers to guide you guys to me.
what are you talking there dev with that man. stop there and come here to help me.. see what this half ticket is saying about the game we played earlier.... said aki.
aarav smiled....
dev sighed.
hey dev come here. help to teach this little guy. said aki.
aarav laughs loudly. unlike you everyone is very unique here. said aarav while watching adi.
what are you saying.. said dev.
nothing you guys are soo cute. says aarav. with a sarcastic smile.
hey dev come here.. says aki.
Harry: dev come and help me.. take this monkey to the forest away from us...
who are you calling monkey you gorilla.. shouts aki.
go there dev... says aarav.
sigh and dev goes to them.
aarav reaches sid who sat near adi on tree roots. hello sid.. nice to meet you.
aarav smirked sid can you say sorry for my little friend for earlier. says aarav.
sid gazes aarav with a maniac expression like saying to stay away from us.
aarav smiled and said earlier:
chrip chrip chrip.
ummm umm. Sid comes to consciousness.
sid tries to open his eyes as he feels like a weight on his chest.
sid saw a large yellow snake with black circle patches with a cheeky and charming looks while sticking his tongue out.. sat on him as it wanted to bite him.
as he saw with an expression less face he grabbed his neck and threw away the snake.
stars seen on the snake.
sid woke up and checked his surroundings. no one seen except harry on Feet distance... sigh. he went and took the sanke on left hand while holding harry on his shoulders. sid felt a little weak and dizziness. he sat under the tree shadow along with harry and snake. sid slept for a while. when he woke up and saw that harry slept on the snake while hugging snakes tail like a pillow.
my dear poor friend.. holds the snakes on his left hand. he was very enthusiastic to see you guys. you know. but kicked out just with a punch of you and harry. so, please say
sorry to him says aarav with a dramatic sorry expression and a tear in his eyes.
sid glaring aarav with a scarry look.
boho see anga he is so cruel. he is not sorry for you not a little bit. don't worry my friend I am sorry for sending you there. I will never tell you to do this again even if you ask. he is so scary... says aarav and hugs the crying snake.
hey adi do justice for us. asks aarav.
adi was still in daze about this person and this game and asked.. have we met somewhere sir.... with a puzzled expression.?
aarav instantly smirked and said no. why do you know me...?
I just think that I know you yet I don't know you. sorry sir. ah um what are you asking again..?
booohoo sid is really evil he tried to hurt my friend here and shoved the snake at adi face.
waaah. waa..ah sna snake... ahhh... adi screams.
sid pulls aarav back hugs adi.
what.. no one is good at all. I am really sorry anga. no justice for you.. says aarav.
sid gazes while releasing a black aura. its you who caused everything. stay away from us says sid.
aarav and anga(snake name) both surprised. aah really anga sid can talk... ha ha haaa. both laughs. really i did everything. I am sorry anga. please rest says aarav and releases the snake on the ground.
The snake crawls back into the hole of the tree.
meanwhile dev stops both harry and aki. explains everything.
Dev: we are really stuck in this game. we have to move until the end. no turning back from here.so guys stay put and stop it here.
Aarav: so dev. shall we go there...
where asked aki..
to the beginning says aarav with a devilish look.
all of them stunned.