
Rescue and Back Up

Ali Baba swore.


He could only swear as he made for the tower, giving the battle a wide breadth and making sure he stayed clear of any stray shot. Zaid was right at his tail, shouting at the boy to wait.


He couldn't. Not with the voice urging him to move, to act, to do something.


Ali Baba cursed at that voice and its owner all the same. He made a mental note to express his disgruntle if he caught up with the man. It was an increasing possibility considering the very thing he was planning to do.


The both of them circled around the fray and pulled behind the tilting large tower, keeping away from the main fight. Ali Baba considered themselves lucky not to get dragged into it.


He looked up, searching for an opening to crawl through. He found a window with bars that had long since rotted away, the gap was large enough to squeeze through and into the building. However, there was one problem.