21: Magi

Celeste's POV

I stared at the numbers in front of me intensely, trying to concentrate on the formula the tutor had been explaining to me earlier. I flipped back in my notes, writing the formula on top of the paper I was currently working on. Using that, I filled it in for the problem I was working on. I want to have it memorized but Julie, the tutor, said that there's no shame in using my notes. 

I had been studying for several days now, spending so long going through workbooks that I had pushed off my physical training. Initially, on day one, I had gone to warm up with Xavier. The sight of him in a tank top and shorts was distracting to say the least. He explained that his usual warm up would differ from the one he was going to be showing me. I was sweating and aching by the end of it, and I have a feeling he went easy on me. Then the tutor showed up with books so big that I asked Xavier to focus on one thing at a time. He, of course, was more than understanding. 

I often think about how Xavier is too good for me. He's so strong, and sweet, and accepting, and wise. I'm worried I won't be able to measure up and be all that he needs me to be. For him and his pack. Our pack? Goddess, surely I'm not enough. . . 

"Luna, focus please," Julie says. I shake my head, apologizing, and going back to the equation. 

"Is the answer 46?" 

"Close, it'll be -46. Don't forget about the sign change." Right. Damn it. "It's okay, try again." Is it okay though? I'm so far behind and I keep getting stuck in my head. 

"Can I take a walk?" I need out of here, some air maybe. She nods, waving a hand towards the door. I thank her, making a quick exit. I run downstairs, heading towards the kitchen for a snack. I thought maybe I'd grab something and then head outside where I knew Xavier would be able to see me from his office. Even if he was working, it made me feel safer to know he could be there in a moment. 

What I didn't expect was to open the kitchen door to see a pale blue figure with dark hair. I stumble back, shocked at the sight before me. They turn around, completely blue eyes blinking at me. She smiles widely at me, pearly teeth flashing. "You must be Celeste!" She comes forward, grabbing my hand and shaking it enthusiastically. "I'm Shia, Zay's mate." Zay's mate? I knew Zay is mated but I didn't expect, well, whatever she is. "I'm a magi, darling."

"Magi?" I had heard legends of magi, how they had heroic battles to keep a balance amongst nature from the darker kinds and then human hunters. I had heard of their powers, beyond most in our world. I just never thought they were. . . real. . . Why would Zay not mention this? "You exist?" So much for getting a clearing breath of air. 

"Yes we do and I have been awaiting your arrival darling," she reveals. 

"My arrival? What do you mean?"

"The stars are never clear but I read your name in a ceremony long ago. Tell me," she pats my hands, "How has your journey been so far?"

"Umm," I don't know what to say to this very straightforward, powerful being. I feel overwhelmed with everything she has said. What does she mean she read my name? What does that mean?

"Shia, my love, don't overwhelm her." Zay joins us in the kitchen, wrapping her arm around the pale blue being and pulling her to her own side, kissing her cheek. 

"Sorry, you know how the stars excite me." She smiles brightly and I realize she has two sharp teeth, not unlike what I imagine a vampire's fangs may look like.

"I'm sorry, but the stars?" I can't help but ask.

"Like I said, the stars aren't always clear but I was given your name long ago in a reading. I also read Zay's name once but it wasn't clear that she was my beloved until I met her. I can't wait to see what your story will be!" Oh. . . That's. . sweet? Maybe?

"Thank you?" Zay laughs at my unsure nature. 

"Don't worry about her," she assures me, "she means well." I nod. "C'mon love, let's let Celeste go on with her day. You can bother the poor girl at dinner." Thank you Zay. I breathe a sigh of relief at the opportunity to prepare to answer a bunch of questions about myself. Again. The blue eyed girl nods and leaves the kitchen hand in hand with her mate. 

I shake my head, grabbing an apple from the basket on the counter and head outside. Xavier's office has a window that overlooks training grounds and a bit more around it. I trail the outside of the training ground, biting into my apple. I observe the people training as they practice what seems to be some form of martial arts. They do a lot here. . . Will I be expected to know all of this?

"Hey there beautiful," Xavier's voice goes over my head. I turn around to see him leaning out his window, arms resting on the windowsill. 

"Hi." I turn around to face him, a smile lighting up my face at the sight of him. Ancillary snickers at my obviously smitten state. She won't admit it but she's getting comfortable here too. 

"What are you up to?" 

"Math was making my head swim so I'm taking a break, getting some air. I met Shia just now." He nods. 

"Glad she's back, I'll have to talk to her later. Why don't I send your tutor on lunch and you join me for lunch of our own?"

"That sounds perfect." It really does. 

I join Xavier for lunch on the balcony of his room, a fruit salad primarily containing cucumbers and grilled chicken with lemon. "How are your lessons going?" His question is casual and kind.

"They are challenging but I think in a good way." I pause for a moment. "I'm sorry I'm not also doing the training," I decide to admit. 

"Please don't be. You seem stressed enough already." Stressed? Do I? "Have you been sleeping any better?" No. . . I haven't been sleeping well at all. . . 

"I've been sleeping okay," I lie. He gives me a stern look. "Okay I haven't been sleeping too well."

"Bad dreams?"

"Yeah. I keep remembering the day Lycer was taken." Except in my dreams sometimes they kill him. Sometimes they come after me too. Sometimes Xavier is there and he's in place of Lycer. I scream and scream for him but nothing can save him from being dragged away or killed in front of me. 

"If you want, you can sleep in my room. I don't want to push any boundaries but I'm sure being closer will help through the mate bond," he suggests, forest green eyes earnest in his offering. 

"That. . I'll think about it," I say back. "Thank you." And I mean it. I'm so thankful for this man.