22: Pegasus

Celeste's POV

I reach up, trying to reach the box of pancake mix. It's above my reach by maybe an inch or two and I curse the person who put it there. Xavier and I are making breakfast; pancakes, bacon and eggs. Simple enough, right? Right? Wrong. I just had to say I'd grab the mix which I had seen in the cupboard several times before in my searching for various snacks. I thought I had it in my grasp enough to pull it out but I watched as it slowly tipped and fell forward, flipping right onto my head and dumping some of the powder over my head. I closed my eyes as I felt the powder cascade down my face. I groan at the box's side sudden impact, hearing it smack to the ground. 

Xavier chuckles and I feel his hands go to my face as he wipes the powder from my eyes. I blush in embarrassment and also at his close proximity. 

These last few days I felt overly aware of Xavier's presence. I found myself studying him more often when we shared a space. My eyes trailing his broad shoulders and thick arms. His hands that I knew offered a secure grip. He's an Alpha through and through. And I was more confused about our pairing. And more grateful. I didn't take up his offer to sleep in his room but I did pick back up my habit of taking clothes from his room. To be honest, I think he left the door unlocked for me. It was sweet. 

Sparks cover my face making my nose twitch, further so when Xavier presses his lips to the tip of my nose. I blink slowly, making sure no powder got into my eyes, coming to see Xavier's green eyes staring into mine. My lips part as my breath catches in my throat. I gulp. I feel myself move closer to him, him doing the same. Our lips are a breath away, our noses brushing. His hand moves to my waist. And I freeze. Xavier, noticing, pulls a breath away. I take a breath, knowing that he'll give me absolute control. Shy. I'm shy at knowing that I hold that power. That I hold that decision. 

"Have dinner with me tonight?" His statement is phrased as a question. Once again giving me the ultimate decision. "Just you and I?" 

"Yes," I respond quickly. "That sounds great." I always felt studied at dinner. If not by Shia then by a pack member or two who joined dinner. I know everyone wanted to get a look at me, get a peak into who I am. Shia insisted that I would have an 'interesting story.' I didn't like what that could mean. So far my story wasn't on a normal route already and I just want to live out my days peacefully. Xavier also watches me at dinners but I watch him as well. I can't help it. Ancillary teases me for it.

"Great," he smiles brightly, teeth brighter than my own. He backs up and I miss the proximity. I look down, seeing the box broken at our feet and the rest of the powder on the floor. I pout, so much for pancakes. "Why don't you go get cleaned up and I'll finish the rest of breakfast?" He had already started mixing the eggs in a bowl. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Of course, go," he says with a push to my back as his hand had never left my waist. 

'Admit it, he's good,' I try to reason with Ancillary, who I knew was judging me.

'Maybe. . .'

'Yes,' I try to be firm. 'Please Ancillary, I need you to like him,' I plead. 'He's sweet, he's kind, he's smart and understanding of everything we've thrown at him.'

'Celeste. . .' I roll my eyes, getting prepared to take a shower. With the water warm, I hop in. I was going to shower after breakfast anyway, I suppose. 'Celestial,' she calls. I rinse my hair, brushing my fingers through the long locks. 

'I want you to be open to him, I like him,' I reason. 

'And if I can't do that?'

'Then. . .' I think. 'Then I have to move forward without you,' I decide. 'The Moon Goddess said that he's the perfect mate for me. More importantly, I've decided he's the perfect mate for me.' I finish my shower, Ancillary having been stewing in silence. 

'Okay,' she says as I pull a new shirt over my head. 'I'll try to be more open to him,' she says firmly.


'Promise.' A weight feels lifted off my shoulder, a weight I didn't know was truly there. I stretch my neck, basking in the relief. 

Xavier and I have breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast in place of pancakes. I smile sheepishly, "Sorry, I should have asked for help."

"It's okay." His smile is genuine, eyes full of understanding. 

That night Xavier takes me into the human town, to a rooftop of a hotel. I'd never been inside of a hotel before, only seen them from the outside on random occasions. The lobby was decadent, with deep blue accents everywhere. White furniture graces the lobby, with lots of lighting. It's a contrast to the rooftop where string lights are the main source of lighting and the furniture is deep blues, so dark it could almost be black. The blue from the lobby translates to the napkins on all the tables. I blink at the visual shock from the contrast. 

We're also the only ones here. The only people in sight are some humans dressed in nice attire. Waiters, the word comes to mind. 

Xavier leads me by the hand to a table close to the edge of the building. Before sitting down, I go closer to the edge, putting my hands on the railing as I admire the view of the city at night. It's not the biggest city I've seen but I've never seen a city at this angle or at this time of night. It's. . . "Gorgeous," I breathe the word out.

"I couldn't agree more," Xavier's voice comes to my right. When I look at him I see that he's been watching me. I give him a smile, trying and failing not to blush. "C'mon, let's have a seat." He leads me back to the table, pulling out my chair for me before taking his own seat. 

"Mr Vedette, thank you for joining us this evening," one of the waiters came over with a bottle. He gives me a smile, "Madam," he says, nodding his head politely. "Tonight the chef has prepared a watercress soup, to be followed by bourguignon, and a raspberry tart to end the night. To accompany these dishes, we have brought a 2001 chardonnay from the southern vineyards of France." As he speaks he opens the bottle, which gives a decent 'pop' once the air is released. He pours the clear yellow/white drink into two medium size glasses, bows his head, and leaves the table. Behind him, another waiter comes forward with the soup, placing it gently before us. 

"This is so fancy," I comment, looking around sheepishly. "I feel like I'm not dressed up enough." I tug on the dress Zay helped me pick out. It was a deep green number that was somewhere between modest and sexy. It hugged my curves but didn't expose a lot of skin. There was a back cut out that exposed the curve of my spine but other than that it was long sleeved and ended at my knees. I had on a pair of black leggings underneath, which I was grateful for with the cold. 

"You look beautiful, more stunning than anyone I've ever seen," he chimes in. 

"Thank you," I whisper. "You look really nice too." My voice sounds shy even to my own ears and I don't know why. He's wearing a suit, black with a black shirt underneath. It fits his form nicely, you can see his arms with how the shirt hugs him. 

As I ate my soup, I couldn't help but stare at Xavier. He's a handsome man. Powerful. Kind. I like him. A lot, I think. I dream about him often. Sometimes he. . . he touches me and it ignites a bigger spark than I've felt before. I find myself blushing as I think about it. 

"What are you thinking about, little one?" And then there's the nickname. I don't know why but I found myself falling in love with it. I never thought a constant reminder of my state could make me feel positive. Yet he brings me joy with the pet name. 

"You," I blurt stupidly, my eyes widening before I look down as Xavier chuckles. "I mean, um"

"It's okay Celeste, there's no need to feel ashamed or shy. I am your mate and you may think of me however much you please. In fact, I'd love it if you thought of me." I meet his merry eyes. 

The waiter brings out the main dish, a meaty looking dish that smells amazing. My mouth waters. 

"I see the thoughts have been replaced," he chuckles again. I love that sound, like music in the wind. "Go ahead, dig in. The bourguignon is to die for, here." I do and an explosion of flavor hits my tongue. I can't help but let out a small moan. I don't miss the way Xavier's eyes darken slightly, narrowing before he closes them and lets out a small cough. He takes a large bite of his own, eyes cast away from me. 

"So," I think, "Lesa is pregnant," is the first thing that comes to mind. Ever since I found out, I'd been a little bothered by it honestly. Christopher is the father which means the kid could look like him. What if they behaved like him, I'd find my insecurities saying. Monsters make monsters. But then again, Christopher is locked away with no way of having influence over his bloodline. I am positive Lesa will be a good and kind mother. "Are you excited to be an uncle?"

"Yeah," a smile makes its way onto his lips. "I am. I love kids. Delian is great, I can't wait to have our big family grow." Our. I smile. "Do you want kids one day?"

Do I? I'd never given it much thought before. "I never thought I'd meet someone to have a family with." I have been trying to be more open with him as I often keep my thoughts to myself. It hurts him, I see it sometimes in his eyes. That drawn back look after I get lost in my head for a little too long or when I stay silent after a night of bad dreams. "But I think I could want kids. I like the pups I've met in the pack so far, they're all sweet. I would have to give it more thought though, honestly. Think of the ups and down."

"The pros and the cons?"

"Exactly." I meet his eyes, he's happy. "You want kids though, right? Or we'll have to have a kid to take over the pack one day, huh?" Is there much choice in it at all?

"We don't. Not necessarily. We could always choose someone who will take over, maybe one of Lesa or Jared's kids." That's a relief. "But I do want them," oh. "I like the idea of raising a few pups to grow up in our image. A perfect combination of you and I. You'll teach them about the ways of the forest and will worry when I start teaching them combat. I'll worry over first partners and you'll keep me from threatening their mates. . too badly. ." He's given this some thought. I suppose that's what it's like when you're raised in a normal home and family. And the thought of Xavier, bouncing a little kid - our little kid - in the air as childish giggles fill the air. It brought mixed feelings. Part of me wanted to swoon while the other found it surprisingly hot. . . I blush again. Get it together, Celeste. 

"I want to show you some constellations, if you'll let me?" Xavier asks, after our dessert plates were cleared. He gets up from his seat, offering me his hand. He pulls me towards the edge of the building and I find myself queasy at the sight of the city below us. I back up a smidge. "It's okay, Celeste. I'd never let you fall, and even if you do then I'll just catch you." His smile is charming and his eyes are soft. 

"Maybe I'm already falling. ." He takes an inhalation at my words, shifting his stance and wrapping his arms around me from behind. 

"So, if you look right there," he points out in the distance of the sky, "you'll find four stars going almost in a row, do you see it?" I nod, my back brushing his chest. I can't decide if my focus should be on the sky or him but I manage to locate the four stars I think he's pointing at. Two are brighter than the others but I can still make it out. It's cygnus the swan, Mom taught me that much. Still, I'm much too content in his hold to reveal my knowledge. I lean back into his chest, his warmth surrounding me. "Now if you look at the second one, you'll find another line branching out on either side. That's Cygnus, he's a swan." He points to another grouping, pegasus. "And that square right there, pretend it's a jelly fish and it has three legs." His description makes me laugh. "That's pegasus."

I turn in his hold, much to his surprise. I open my mouth, intent to say something but for the love of the goddess, I can't remember what it was. His eyes are. . . One of his hands that had managed to stay wrapped around me, left its place to caress my cheek. I lean into his palm, still not breaking eye contact. We stay like that for a moment, just basking in each other's presence. Then, I can't help it, I lean up and press my lips to his.