27.1: Fated Mate

Celeste's POVThe pack was abuzz with excitement. Most everyone was gathered in the town square to wave hi to the previous Alpha and Luna who were bound to be driving up that road any minute now. Xavier, the guys, Delian, Zay, Lesa and I were standing outside the pack house. Everyone was dressed to a tee, in nice slacks, dresses, or pant suits. I was in a modest dress, navy blue with a collar. Little pearls adorned the dress and I found myself picking at them as I anxiously waited. Xavier grabbed my hand and only then did I notice all heads turned to me."Are you okay, little one?" I shook my head immediately. Delian hopped out of Jared's hold and ran to me, throwing her arms around my legs."It'll be okay, Luna! They'll love you!""Thank you, Delian." I crouch down, pulling the small child to me. She lays her head on my shoulder and I almost melt.Xavier pulls me back up and to him. "There's no need to be nervous, love." I nod, knowing there's nothing more I can do anyways. I bring a hand to my hair, wondering if maybe I should have made a more drastic cut. I only got a trim, enough to take off the 'dead ends' as the hair stylist called it. My hair felt softer, my fingers gliding through the brown waves with ease. He kisses my nose and my forehead as a comforting hand sets on my shoulder. I turn around to see Lesa with a sympathetic smile."Mom is going to no doubt love you. Don't sweat it when it comes to her. Dad is a little intimidating but don't let him scare you. If he has anything bad to say at all, he can take it up with us," she gestures to our little family behind her, all of them giving me bright smiles. Even Jacob has a confident smile on his grumpy face. Josh gives a thumbs up and I laugh at the silly look on his face."Thank you," I say just as the sound of a car makes its way closer to us. The car is in a sleek form and I know nothing more than it's probably expensive. You can barely make out the figures through the windows but that's no matter because the car comes to a stop and the doors open. A large gentleman in a nice button down steps out. He has the same hair as Xavier and I'm sure when he steps closer I'll find more similarities. He looks up, small smile on his face, and waves to us. He then quickly goes to the other side of the car and opens the door. A smaller but still tall blonde woman steps out, a large smile gracing her face. She quickly drops the hand of the man who helped her out of the car and runs in our direction. Lesa runs forward too and the two collide into a hug full of laughter and 'hello's. The man walks up to them and gives his daughter a tight hug. I squeeze Xavier's arm."Mom! Dad!" Xavier shouts as they get closer. He kisses my head one final time and steps away to hug his parents. Laughter echoes as his dad claps him on the back."It's good to see you son," he says."And is this who I've been hearing so much about?" My eyes widen as hands grab mine from Xavier's arm and blue eyes stare directly into mine. I had to blink to process the differences between this woman and Lesa. The same nose, eyes, and chin echoed in her daughter but blue eyes were a stark difference to Lesa and Xavier's green. That means. . . I turned ever so slightly to see green eyes and a sharp jaw matching Xavier's staring back at me. Xavier has his mom's nose but besides that he's almost a spitting image of his dad."Mom, Dad, this is Celeste Jacobs." Xavier's hand goes back around my waist, keeping me to him and comforting me through our bond. "My mate," his words sound proud and it makes my chest feel almost heavy. I don't know if I can live up to that."It's nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs Vedette.""Please call me Erin," Mrs Vedette says with a wide smile. I squeeze her hands back and she lets my hands go and goes to her mates side. "Hello kids," she turns to the others and goes to hug all of them, kissing both Zay and Josh on the cheek. Josh smiles widely at her. When she gets to Delian, she picks her up and spins her around. Delian giggles."Mr Vedette is fine," the rough voice of Xavier's dad hits my ear. I gulp as I nod."Oh hush, honey. Call him David," Erin says as she comes back over to Xavier and I. She turned to David and poked his chest. "Keep the attitude in check, Mr." He grumbles under his breath but nods, picking up her hand and kissing her closed fist. Aw."Are you guys hungry?" I ask. "I can cook something." I need something to do; I'm already feeling so antsy. Like I have to prove myself someway, somehow and quickly."What if I join you?" I'm surprised to hear the offer from Mrs Vede- Erin. I nod quickly."Yes please, it's so hard to feed a family of wolves." She chuckles at my comment, probably knowing it's true from experience.She takes my hand and pulls me away from Xavier, leading me into the pack house like it's her home. I guess, at one point, it was. We go to the kitchen while everyone else settles in the dining room not far away. Their chatter begins immediately while I open the fridge deciding what to cook. "I made way too much squash soup yesterday, would that be okay? With a fresh salad?" I propose the idea, turning back to Erin who has a curious look on her face."You've been here for about two months, is that right dear?" I hesitate before I nod, brushing my hair behind my ear as I take out the container of soup. I set it on the counter hesitantly, tugging at my sleeves as I turn back to Erin. "Yet, you're not marked?" I shook my head."Xavier and I are taking things slowly.""That's very unusual for mates." I nod hesitantly."It is. But I didn't have the easiest upbringing, it's. . hard for me. All of this." I gesture around us and turn back towards the cabinets, searching for where the large pot got put this time. I find it in the cupboard next to the stove and bring it to the burner, turning on the electric heat."That would make me think you'd run to your mate even more.""I like Xavier a lot," I say honestly. I pour the soup into the pot, leaving it on a low heat, before turning back to the fridge to get the ingredients for a beet salad with a lemon balsamic I also made. Another of Hannah's recipes. I set the ingredients on the counter. "But my wolf is on guard around any and everyone, even him." I can practically feel Ancillary drooping her ears, tucking her tail between her legs, at the honesty of my words. She knows she's holding me back when it comes to him."I see." I tuck my hair behind my ear before putting it up with a clip that was on the counter in a little trinket dish Xavier put there for me. In the dish were two small clips, one medium and one large clip, as well as a few hair ties. I begin to wash my hands in the double sink. Erin comes up next to me and does the same. "So I shouldn't expect grandpups anytime soon?" I blush, shaking my head almost furiously."Not unless you count Lesa.""I meant from you, dear." My Goddess, she's direct."No. Definitely not. Besides, I'm still so young. And I think I want to enjoy life with just Xavier and I for a while.""I can understand that. I love my children but these last few years with my mate have been absolutely blissful." She sighs contentedly. "Barcelona, Tokyo, Iceland, even just traveling through the United States by his side. . It's. . Everything. Don't get me wrong, I miss my pack. I miss my children. But at the end of the day, I always know I can return. Be it for a day, a year, or for the rest of my days. This place is home." Home. I think of the pack. The town square, the cute park, the neighborhoods with their cute houses. I think of the people, of Zay and Josh, of Lesa and Delian. I think of Xavier. Home. I guess I can call it that."Xavier wants to travel one day. Just like you two."She nods, "That's my boy." She sounds proud.I hand her the beets and instruct her to cut them into half slices. I start to crumble the goat cheese, stirring the soup every so often so it doesn't burn. We work in silence for a few minutes but it's not uncomfortable. If anything, it's kind of nice."Xavier tells me we're doing a traditional pack welcoming for you tomorrow?" I nod. "I'm surprised you've waited this long.""Well, we're not going to be doing the Luna Ceremony anytime soon and I think Xavier was worried about the pack's reaction." She hums."I'm sure it's bound to get some mixed reactions but once they meet you, I'm sure all will be fine.""Thank you, that means a lot. I'm really nervous.""Don't be. I raised this entire pack like an extension of my own children. They're good people. They love with their whole hearts." The way she talks is full of pride and love, it makes my heart swell.The soup finishes just as I toss the salad together. She carries out the soup while I carry out the salad. The dining room is full of chatter and laughter, as everyone seems to be filling David in on some story of theirs he missed out on. "Lunch is served!" Erin says proudly. Everyone serves themselves their own portions, Xavier kisses my cheek in a thank you. I blush ever so slightly as I catch his eyes. He raises a brow and I nod, assuring him all was well. I give him a smile when both brows raise and he smiles back, bringing a hand to my cheek and rubbing his thumb over my cheekbone before returning to his salad. He hummed at the taste and I smiled even brighter before digging into my own."So, Celeste," I raise my brow as I catch David's eye. "You're a runt?"The dining room goes quiet at the awkward tone and his question."Yes," I say as Ancillary growls. Xavier's hand finds my leg and places a comforting hand close to my knee."Do you expect this to affect the way you help run this pack?""Dad, Celeste is do-""It's okay, Xavier," I say gently. I look around the table, spotting Delian's confused face. Poor girl. "Yes, yes I do expect it to affect the way I help run the pack. Nothing about me is traditional and that's okay. It won't affect my ability to love this pack and help them to my fullest degree," my words are honest and if anything, a bit shaky. I find my utensils shakily being set down before I bring both of my hands to Xavier's hand that rests near my knee. I turn his hand around and play with his fingers while I continue, "But I have physical limitations. There's nothing I can do about that.""Is that the wisest decision for this pack?" I recoil."David-""Dad-""The wisest decision for this pack is the one the Moon Goddess chose. Xavier's fated mate." The voice comes from Jared and my brows furrow as my heart skips a grateful beat. He glances at me, canyon eyes proud. I give him a smile."I guess we'll see.""Don't be a dick, Dad.""Xavier," Erin says. "Watch your language.""It's okay, Xavier," I say softly."No. It's not." His voice is firm as his hand grasps mine. "Celeste is here to stay so you better accept it and you better accept it soon."Everyone stares at David expectedly who rolls his eyes. "Relax son. I was merely making conversation.""Perhaps keep the conversation lighter then, dear," Erin says with a roll of her eyes. "I apologize for my mate, he's too in his old ways that he forgets he retired." She gives him a slow and not so sweet pat on the cheek. He looks away. Everyone returns to their lunch. Xavier gets a phone call and gestures for the guys to follow him to his office. I feel torn between going, wanting to know what's going on, and staying, wanting to keep his parents company; be it awkward as it may be. Delian looks at me and gives me a smile. I decided to stay."So Mom!" I'm thankful for Lesa's voice. "How was Prague?" The rest of lunch is filled with chatter of travel and baby plans. I chirp in every now and then, more so focused on my food. David is in a similar place.