
*May 31, 2015*

A week went by after I fell unconscious, I woke in five days but my mother was still unconscious on the bed. The doctors told me that she might now be in a coma due to immense trauma. When I heard the news I immediately asked to see my mom. But the rejected it since they we're still busy with examining her.

I still wanted to see my mother but I agreed to their decision. I asked when I could see her. They told me that I could visit her tomorrow, I would be able to see her.

I nodded. I then went outside to the front of the hospital. I wanted to see if there was any buses coming in. I checked if there was a bus schedule somewhere. I found one right beside a bench. I looked to see what time one would arrive here.

It looked like one would arrive in thirty minutes. I sat down on the bench. I waited for the bus to come pick me up. The surroundings started to slow down till it fully stopped.

I sighed then spoke.

"Menhit you know, you can talk to me normally. Right?," I responded.

I then looked behind. Which I then saw an older version of Menhit trying to surprise me. I just grabbed her by her waist and made her sit right beside me. I noticed she got dressed up. The base color of her dress was black with a hint of gold dots and having all this in a one piece dress. So I complemented on her dress.

"You dressed up nicely Menhit. What's the occasion for dressing up?" I asked.

With an immediate response, "I got invited to a banquet so, I dressed up for it,"

I was intrigued. I wanted to ask but she beat it to me.

"The banquet was set because some of my friends kids are getting engaged. So they're telling in public. I'm jealous of them and their kids," she responded.

I was going to ask her to let me go with her but with that reasoning, i kept it to myself. I just didn't want to deal anything today, so I just told her to go to the banquet.

She seemed disappointed but she started to make time go forward again. Afterwards she disappeared in an instant. I felt like I did something wrong but I just waited for the bus.

* 2 hours later *

I came back to my house to just sleep. I went to my room immediately and left the door open. I jumped towards my bed and immediately passed out cold. I started to dream about someone again but this time It started warp into a different reality.

I suddenly saw myself locked in a prison cell. In front of me was a woman in a suit holding her hands together. Her face was blurred so I wasn't able to see her face. I tried to get out but ultimately failed.

I had hope to escape but after awhile I stopped trying. I started to ask questions on who she was, but I was interrupted by banging on my cell.

"Prisoner stay back. You no longer have the right to face our goddess nor escape this cell," said one of the 2 guards that appeared.

I followed the order and stopped talking. The woman in front of me started to talk.

"Welcome to the your domain of your soul. I am Afferix, the embodiment of two of the deadly sins, Wrath and Gluttony," she explained.

I wanted to talk but no words came out of my mouth. It was like someone muted me.

"You shall not talk until told to. So behave!" Exclaimed guard number one.

"I apologize about my servants, they tend to be angered easily. But I hope you could forgive their misconduct," said Afferix, with a apologetic tone.

I nodded. I wondered why this 'Goddess' was even in my soul.

"If you wonder why I'm here. Well I was sealed here due to one of your ancestors. They sealed me because they could exploit the powers they can extract from me. But now none of your family even use these powers because it's a lost art," she explained.

A lost art? I recall my mom telling me stories about this same thing when I was little. But I never thought it was real, I thought.

"Open the cell now," the goddess commanded.

The two guards immediately followed the command and opened my cell. Then they blind folded me. They told me to sit on the ground. At the moment I felt like I was about to be executed.

"The only reason they blind folded you was because if you even layed eyes onto my face, you would've died instantly," she explained.

Even though I couldn't see, I could hear her gesturing the 2 guards to get something. The guards brought back a chair. They commanded me to stand up then afterwards sit down on the chair. I followed every word since I knew they could kill me any second.

The chair I sat on was very comfortable. I sat up straight even though I didn't want to.

"Now that's out of the way, let me explain to you about the powers you've obtained. First let me ask you first, did you hear any words when your powers came to life?" She questioned.

I nodded.

"Alright the voice you heard was the voice of a spirit that has responded to your plead. The spirit you called for was part of a group called Demolition. This group is one of many groups that can inhabit people's souls or personality," she explained.

The whole time I focused on what she said. I understood each word that came out her mouth. I felt that my knowledge increased.

"Each of these groups specialize in one specific sets elements or skills. For example, the spirit that you have, Jumex , specializes in destruction. With that in mind, the skills that transfer to you might include types of fire skills, AOE destruction, or berserker skills," she continued.

"Alright let's see what you got to inherit from the spirit. Guards lift the prisoner and bring him to the room of no ends," she ordered.

The guards then lifted me up then moved me towards the room. They then dropped me down to the ground. I didn't take off my blind fold since I might get killed if I did. They told me go forward. I walked forward like I was a real prisoner.

I felt the difference in air and area when I entered the room. The air here felt more dense, the ground I walked on felt smooth. With each step I took it resonated throughout the room. I collapse towards the ground since one of the guards pushed behind both of my knees.

The guard then proceeded to tell me stay on the ground until told to stand up. I waited until I heard the woman again.

"Stand up Andrew. You don't need to be there anymore," she said.

I stood up slowly. I try to hear where she and turn towards her. I heard on of the guards sigh and proceeded to align me towards the woman.

" Alright let's see what powers you have gained. First let's start with the basic power of the demolition group, say LiMIT BREAKER!" She explained.

I did what she said and said LIMIT BREAKER! I suddenly felt my body going overdrive. My muscles started to ache with the power that surged within me. I felt like nothing could stop me. Then my body then gave out.

I passed out but I was rejuvenated back to consciousness by both guards. I felt my body was breaking apart due to the pain I felt.

"Time to use the healing skills that come from the fire skills that every person in the demolition group. First, visualize a pair of gauntlets on your hands. Afterwards, start to chant the words.

I am broken by strain

Spirits of the flame

Hear my plead

Heal me back to the original me

After this you should heal back to normal or even better. You can also use the gauntlets to channel the berserker skills you may have or all the skills you got," she explained.

I shook my head and followed here instructions. The gauntlets I formed were colored Vantablack. If someone looked at these they would assume they were made from the void. Each one had a giant red jewel on top of the hand.

After the gauntlets were formed I started to chant what the woman said.

I am broken by strain

Spirits of the flame

Hear my plead

Heal me back to the original me

I then started to feel a relieving sensation coming over my body. With this it got ride of the pain I had before. Afterwards my gauntlets disappeared.

"Now let's start with AOE destruction spells. Let's start with the basics. First, you need to figure out what you want to eliminate. For example, if I wanted to make an army disappear I would think of that. Afterwards, you just need visualize the shape of what your going to use against them. After you got that down, you then need to chant.

I shall have none in my way

Form to what I please

And destroy what is in my way

Then, it should form into what you wanted. After that you just throw it at them," she said.

She then commanded her guards to get some useless slaves they had. Afterwards, they brought 10 slaves and chained them to the ground. They then covered their mouths so they wouldn't make any noise.

I didn't know who was in front of me but they told me they had targets in front of me. I started to visualize hundreds of targets in front of me. I afterwards I wanted to use the lightning with fire that I could hold. I then started to form my gauntlets again. I then started to chant the words.

I shall have none in my way

Form to what I please

And destroy what is in my way

I heard crackling noises with the hiss of flames started to form over my gauntlets. I wondered if I could boost its size and power. Since the premise of each skills need to visualized and needed a chant. I started to visualize my lighting with flames started to get more potent and larger.

I then started to chant words that I thought of.

The flames that sleep inside me

Express everyone your destruction

Jumex head my call

And boost the powers I summoned


The lighting I had started to get more potent and exponetialy larger by each second. It took a minute before it stopped amplifying. Even though I still couldn't see, I could sense where the targets were. I turned to aim it towards them. I then through it towards them.

With a simple touch of the lighting, they started to immediately disappear. The woman or goddess was surprised at the sight she saw. Never in her life did she see seen a skill that could boost or amplify someones attack.

Yet she wondered how this kid even was able to do it. While the goddess was in her imagination, I was curious of what happened. So I took off my blind fold to see, but I saw nothing but a huge crater in the ground.

I just slowly put back my blind fold like nothing happened. I asked which direction the goddess is. The 2 guards sighed then they proceeded to turn me in the direction of the goddess. She was still baffled at the sight she saw but she came back to normal.

"Ah. I see you've made a new skill that amplifys your attacks and skills. Even though this has never happened to anyone in your family lineage," she said not sugar coating that she never knew anybody could do this.

"I could say this can make another group. And with the creation of this group you could create beings that suit it. But you can only do this when you've increased your power," she explained.

I wondered why nobody even thought of creating their own skills. It's an easy process to do it. My ancestors must've been stupid not thinking of this. I sighed in disappointment when the goddess said I had to be strongef. Which meant I'm still weak even though I made a new skill.

"Oh. Looks like my times up. *Exhaled* But this won't be the last time you'll see me. Once you get stronger with your powers and stronger in combat. You'll appear hear again," said the Goddess.

I forgot that I was still sleeping in the real world. So, I said my goodbyes and I disappeared without a trace. The goddess left behind and was pulled back to her original state. Chained up in the soul of Andrew with no help breaking out.

*June 1, 2015*

My eyes slowly opened to the bright light that came to my room. I was Still in my clothings from yesterday. I knew I didn't take a shower so I went to my drawer, grabbed some new clothing and went to my bathroom.

Once I entered the bathroom, I closed the door behind me and started to strip off my clothes. I folded them up and left them at the door. I had my new sets of clothes on the middle of the shelf. I went inside the shower and turned both the hot and cold knobs.

I evened it out to have warm water since I liked it that way. Then I started to shower. As I cleaned myself I thought about what happened yesterday. I figured the whole thing was real since It was fresh inside my mind. I thought of things that could make me improve my combat skills.

I figured that I should practice some martial arts and start to exercise some more. I had an average sized body like any other boy my age. Even I could get strong with the body I have but I think I could get some muscle mass.

After taking 10 minutes in the shower, I turned it off then dried myself off. I then put on my clothes and went out of the bathroom. I checked my clothings if it were suitable for the summer air. I then went to get some money and went out of my house.

I put on my shoes and started to walk towards the convenience store. It wasn't far from my house so I arrived there quickly. I went inside to get some things I needed. I grabbed a cart and went my way. I got a laundry detergent, a few snacks, a large med kit, and a journal.

The whole thing came to about 30 dollars. Afterward, I went back home and started my training. When I came home I went to my mom's computer and went on the Internet to see some videos of some martial arts.

The martial arts I chose were kickboxing which is a hybrid between fists and kicks. Muay Thai which focuses more on the power of the fists, elbows, shins, and knee's. Jiu-Jitsu focuses more on the submission and grappling the opponent. Finally, I chose boxing even though I had kick boxing I want to have better endurance.

I first started kick boxing since I had a heavy punching bag. I started with jabs towards the bag. I moved around then I started to do some combinations. Even though I didn't do it perfectly at first I started to change my movements to perfect them.

After a while I put in some overhead and body kicks. After 10 minutes minutes passed, I then took a 3 minute break and started to practice boxing. Before I even tried to even do these martial arts I tried to find the stance that I felt comfortable with.

I kept doing this with the martial arts that I choose for about an hour and thirty minutes. I then sat down to take my final break. I looked up to the sky which was slowly getting brighter as the sun came in the middle of the sky.

I grabbed a bottle of water right beside me to quench my thirst. I wondered what Menhit was doing. Even though s day has past since I last saw her. But I wondered what she did during the banquet that she mentioned.

I went back inside my house to wash my sweaty body. I went to my room to get some better clothing to visit my mother. I went to my mirror to check my fit. I wore a black short sleeved shirt with some slightly baggy jeans.

I then put on shoes and went out the door. I walked towards the bus stop. After the bus came and took me, I arrived outside of the hospital. I walked in and went towards the front desk. A young woman was behind the desk.

"Are you here to visit a patient?" Asked the woman.

" I'm here to visit my mom, Sarah Davis," I responded.

She nodded and typed in the name. Afterwards she then took out a note book and a pen.

" What's your name sir?" She asked.

"It's Andrew Davis, I'm her son," I responded to her.

She wrote down my name on the paper. She then ripped it out and handed it to me.

" She's in the fourth floor and she's in room 8," she spoke.

I nodded and said my thanks. I went towards the elevator and went to the fourth floor and advanced towards my moms room. I knocked on the door and went through. My eyes went to my mom's unconscious state. I wondered where my damn step dad was.

He the husband of my mom but doesn't even bother checking on my mom's health. I still wished my father was still alive. In the past I asked my mother to divorce my stepdad but she wouldn't. I know they hadn't done anything to each other sexually since every time my mother try to avoid I since it reminded her of my dad.

I know it's fucking wrong of me knowing my mom's sexual life but I try my best to forget those details. I walked towards my mom and sat down in the chair. I held onto her hands hoping that my mother would wake up soon.

I knew that she wouldn't wake up for another week.

"Hey mom...I know your unconscious right now but I just want to tell you that... I've starting to grow up a little from the incident from a three years ago. But now that your in this condition... I just want to see you one last time because you might not see me for s week or two," I said.

Once I said that I would be gone, her body shook a bit. Afterwards it went still, I looked towards the heart monitor and saw that the heart beat was slowing down. I tried shaking her to wake up but no results came from it.

I started to fall in despair when I heard the loud constant sound. I kept wanting to have her back again. I heard words ringing through my head like last time.