Chapter 9: Midsummer Night’s Dream

Chapter 9: Midsummer Night's Dream

4pm… 4:05pm… 4:10pm…

"Kashi! What the fuck! You don't work today, turn that shit off!"

My alarm was going off. I didn't notice until Jocelyn said something. I still felt like a zombie, I turned off my phone and snuggled next to Jocelyn, drifting back to the dream world to pay off my sleep debt…

I don't know how long I was awake, halfway in the dream world, crawling out of sleep… I admired Jocelyn's supple hips before covering them with a blanket. She looked angry, even in her sleep. What a venomous girl… I wanted to kiss her awake but knew better. I still felt like shit. What time is it?

I turned on my phone and saw several text messages and missed calls from Stormy. I gave her a call.

"Kashi? Where are you?" Stormy said, concerned.

"I'm at home. What's up?" I replied, my voice like rocks.

"Did you read my texts?"

"Uhh, nooo, I did not…"

Jocelyn's eyes gradually opened. She looked irritated.

"Practice? Remember? 8am…"

"Oh, fuck!" I stood up and discovered my body was sore like I did a full body workout.

Jocelyn sat up and snatched the phone from me. "We'll be there in a minute." Jocelyn ended the call. She tossed the phone back to me.

The car ride was quiet. We were still recovering from the after effects of our crossfaded highs and lows. Jocelyn dropped me off and kissed me goodbye.

All my production companions were on stage with green paperbacks in their hands of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Those not in the scene were seated in the front row next to the director.

"I say I love thee more than he can do," the director said in a monotone voice. He continued reading my lines… I made my presence known to the director and grabbed a paperback book and stepped on stage. The girl playing Helena showed me which page we were on. I had memorized most of these lines, but I was too groggy to show off what I practiced.

After the scene, the director commented on our performances with an emphasis on more vocal projection. He said we should be trying to yell at a fly in the farthest corner of the auditorium to make sure it heard our lines.

"Good job everyone. Katz, we need to speak after this."

Everyone dispersed toward the parking lot. I nervously awaited my fate. The director straightened his circular glasses, looking over his notes before speaking.

"What happened?" he asked, still looking down at his notes.

"To be honest, Mr. Moldy, I had a rough weekend. I assure you it won't happen again… I've been studying my lines at home. I'm sorry."

"Don't let your personal life interfere with my production. That's your first and final warning," the director said without giving me any eye contact. He walked away. What an asshole…

I waited outside. I instinctively patted my pockets for a cigarette… The gas station was right across the street. I normally would get a pack of Marlboro Reds that would last me at least two weeks. All of that changed the moment I started hanging out with Jocelyn. I checked my wallet for my cash flow.


I turned around. It was Stormy. She looked sad.

"Hi, Stormy! How are you?"

"Good. You were late today…"

"Yeah, sorry about that, I was hanging out with Jocelyn."

"You were never late before." Stormy glanced in my eyes then looked down. I felt like she saw that I was changing. It's not that big of a deal, I thought. Just having a little fun. No problem…

I heard Jocelyn calling to me from behind.

"Gotta go! See ya!" I wanted to hug Stormy before leaving, but she seemed distant, closed-off… I waved goodbye, but she did not return the gesture.

There was someone occupying the passenger seat. I got in. It was Sarah, one of the managers. She was lazy and it sucked to work shifts with her, but was cool outside of work.

"Hey, Kashi!" Sarah said. Jocelyn winked at me. I giddily got in the backseat, feeling relieved that Jocelyn wasn't with another guy… Then again, I'm sure Jocelyn wasn't particularly set on a single gender.

"Hey, hey, hey. How doth it be?"

"Better than this morning," Jocelyn said, looking at me in the rear-view mirror.

"You look good," I complimented Jocelyn. She had changed into a black pleated skirt and a white long-sleeve. Her makeup was perfect with an excessive amount of eye-shadow.


"Ok," Sarah said, looking at her phone, "he said he'll bring them after work."

I was out of the loop. He? Them? After?

"We're partying tonight," Jocelyn said to me, sensing my confusion.

A car behind us honked obnoxiously. In typical Jocelyn fashion she rolled down her window and stuck out her middle finger. The car pulled up beside us.

"Fuck you, asshole!" Jocelyn yelled at the middle-aged cis white male. "Anyway, as I was saying…"

The white guy drove in front of us and slowed down, forcing Jocelyn to pump her breaks.

"Mother-FUCKER!" Jocelyn weaved into the left lane and sped up…

"Jocelyn, please…" I said.


"Just… Let's chill out, alright?"

Jocelyn sized me up in the rear-view… She slowed down, letting the driver get away.

"Wow. Never thought I'd see the day. Jocelyn backing down from a fight?" Sarah said with a grin.

"Whatever," Jocelyn replied. Me and Sarah laughed. Jocelyn joined in with us, shaking her head.

"So what's going on tonight?" I asked.

"You're going to do molly with me. With us," Jocelyn said.


"Yeah. Tell him, Sarah."

"Ecstasy. MDMA. You two have never done it before, right?"

At first I was disgusted. I figured the cocaine thing was just a one-night-stand, maybe a rare party favor… Now we're doing yet another drug? I tried to conceal my apprehension.

"But we just partied yesterday."

"The day before yesterday. And so fucking what?" Jocelyn looked like she wanted to get in my face, but I was safe in the back-seat. I doubt she would be cruel to me in front of Sarah.

I wanted to blow up and express how I felt this was totally not a good idea. But those blue eyes pierced me deeply, that scowl of hers made me feel if I pushed back too hard I would lose the best person in my life…

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Sarah said. Jocelyn gave her a look as if to say 'shut up'. Sarah took the hint and let the silence linger in the air, awaiting my answer…

We got to my house. We went inside. I still didn't speak.

"I'm gonna take a shower…" Jocelyn crossed her arms and kept her face away from me. Sarah nodded.

I needed to clear my head. I felt sick to my stomach because after pondering how I was judging Jocelyn, I discovered the truth behind my feelings… I was curious too. I felt an electrical current running through my brain at the thought of partying again. At the thought of being with Jocelyn as we dove deeper into madness, into the darkness… Another new experience. Would it be just as good as the yayo?... I debated amongst my own thoughts, but the decision had been made a long time ago.

"I'll do it."

Jocelyn's scowl disappeared. "Fuck yeah!" High-fives all around.

"I have theater tomorrow though…"

"Tomorrow morning? Don't worry, you'll still be awake," Sarah said.

"Really?" Jocelyn asked.

"Yeah. Even if you try to sleep, you won't be able to on molly. It's like coke, only waaaay better. You'll see. You'll be rolling all night and the day after."

"Sweet," Jocelyn said. I was still unsure of my decision to travel with these girls, but this was the most excitement I've had in my whole life. There was no way I would be left behind.