Chapter 10: Rolling With Molly

Chapter 10: Rolling With Molly

Me, Jocelyn and Sarah were sitting in Sarah's downstairs apartment. The complex was opulent, like only rich and fancy people lived here. Sarah invited some co-workers that showed up one-by-one. Isaiah, a skinny Mexican who wore a different snapback every day. Red, a redhead who always showed too much cleavage and drank every night. Andy, a tatted white boy with 5 baby-mama's that somehow always courted the hottest girls, despite being a fast food cook, short and chubby. We bullshitted around while smoking weed and cigarettes. The front door opened.

"Hey, boo!" Sarah got up to greet her boyfriend, Darvonte. They swapped tongues while we awkwardly looked away. Yeah, they were that couple.

Sarah introduced everyone.

"You all finna get dis roll?" Darvonte said.

"Hell yeah!" Jocelyn said. I didn't understand what the hell 'get this roll' meant, but I followed along with an enthusiastic smile.

Darvonte pulled out a plastic baggie of multi-colorful pills like rainbow sherbert. Jocelyn already gave Sarah the money earlier. Sarah distributed our pills to us, a handful of pink and blue pills that looked like pieces of candy.

"Pro tip," Sarah said while heading to the kitchen. "Take your first one with a shot… of Jagermeister!" She pulled out a frosty bottle with a deer on the front. I had never drank the stuff before, but the design was cool.

"Shiii you ain't have to ax me," Darvonte said while rubbing his big hands together.

We all agreed to take the first pill together in a toast. The tablet dissolved in the sweet liquor that was mixed with some Red Bull energy drink. I actually really liked the taste!

Electronic music was blasting from Darvonte's pricey speaker setup. The house lights were synced with the music so that the colors of the rooms would shift to the beat. I didn't feel anything except the alcohol and weed.

"How long until I feel this shit?" Jocelyn asked, impatiently rubbing her thighs.

"Uhh…" Sarah looked at her watch. "Maybe like, 10 more minutes?"

Jocelyn gave a thumbs-up. Sarah and Red started chatting with Jocelyn. Isaiah was rolling a joint on a tray. Darvonte was in the kitchen, sipping on a Jager bomb while bobbing his head to the music… He started mouthing words, like he was freestyling under his breath...

I walked in the kitchen. "Yo, Darvonte? You spit?"

"Yeah, how you know?"

"By your demeanor. I used to rap. Back in the olden' days."

"Word? Lemme hear you spit."

"Ahh, I haven't since high school…" It was too late, I was called out! "But alright, ok…"

I counted to the beat in my head. 1, 2, 3, 4—

"Yo, yo, this mic I rock, I'm chillin with Joss/ Sippin on Jager, we gettin that paper/ Popped a molly, pop an ollie/ Get so high, we say by gollie/"

That last line made everyone laugh as they crowded the kitchen.

"Ain't got no written, I'm freestyle spittin/ I like it when Jocelyn pet me like a kitten/ Sippin a brew, it ain't nothin to you/ Rollin in cash you can call me a Jew/"

The crowd combusted into laughter and hype. Isaiah humped the air then handed me a freshly rolled joint, the bright green bud peeking from the hole. Darvonte slapped my palm with a handshake. Jocelyn was looking at me with amusement, almost like she was impressed… Of course it wasn't anything special, but she thought otherwise. She mouthed 'wow', then pulled me in to kiss my neck. She whispered "nice" in my ear.

Isaiah gave me a lighter and I sparked the doobie. Darvonte was nodding his head to the beat, prepping to go in…

"Yah.. Yah… I give it to em, dis doo can spit/ But if dis was a battle, you finna git split/"

His loud voice echoed in the kitchen. His delivery was trained and intense, nothing like my comedic tomfoolery a moment ago.

"Yousa walmart shoppa, I got a Rolex/ I has sex wicho mama, she tell me to flex/" Darvonte struck a front double bicep pose. The kitchen was full of cheers and laughs. I had a huge grin across my cheeks.

The flashing RGB lights were beginning to look brighter, more glowy… My head felt hot. I took a hit of the weed and passed it to Red. Darvonte was still going in, roasting me into smithereens. I looked at Jocelyn and our eyes met. She was feeling it too… She smiled at me with that devilish grin of hers and nodded her head toward the rapper in my face.

"He lookin like he high, I think he be fizzin/ Dis da last time, he died in the kitchen/" Darvonte clasped his palms together and pretended to fall asleep on the kitchen counter.

"OOHHHH!!!!" Isaiah humped the air again, turning 90 degrees to ensure all four directions got thrusted.

I tilted my head back and did a 360 circle. "God dayum!" We slapped palms. Darvonte encouraged me to spit again but I tapped out and declared him the winner. Jocelyn patted me on the back, congratulating me for my efforts.

The effects on music from the yayo were nothing compared to what I was experiencing at that moment… Every bit of the music seemed to pulse through every cell in my body and set off sparkles in my brain, each hit of the drums vibrating my mental threads…

I got lost in the groove. I began gently bobbing back and forth to the rhythm of the music.

"Kashi, you feeling it, huh? Yo yo yo!" Sarah chopped her hand back and forth while holding an invisible microphone to her mouth.

"Yeah he is!" Red chimed in. They were all looking at me like a zoo animal.

"Fuck yeah," I replied. Jocelyn pulled me to the center of the living room and began to dance with me.

"Holy shit," I said as Jocelyn danced her thighs against me.


I dragged her into the bathroom.

"Look at your eyes."

We both looked in the mirror and saw our pupils were even bigger than when we did the coke. Two black holes sapped out all the color from our irises.

"Holy fuck," Jocelyn leaned close to the mirror like she was popping a pimple.

"Wanna see a cool trick?" Sarah said, coming in behind us. She turned on the bathroom light.

"Cover your eyes, but keep them open the whole time, so you're just looking at your hand. Yup, just like that. When I say 3, take your hand away and look in the mirror. 1… 2… 3!"

We removed our hands and stared at our reflection. For a second our eyes were black holes, but as the light crept into our retinas, our pupils shrunk down to normal size, then swelled up bigger again, pulsing back and forth between big and small. I can only describe it like those augmented eyeballs in science fiction where the pupils can change in size and shape.

"Woooahh…" Me and Jocelyn were transfixed and kept repeating the trick, watching our pupils grow and shrink like we just learned our first witchcraft spell.

"See, that's how you can tell how high you are. You guys are fucked!" Sarah began giggling. Jocelyn did the trick to Sarah. Her pupils grew and shrunk just like ours, but the after-pulses did not occur.

We went back to the living room and chased our second molly with a shot of Jager. This time, it felt like the molly hit our bloodstream immediately, unlike the first pill. Rap music was playing in the background.

"GETTIN CLOSER TO GOD, IN A TIGHT SITUATION NOW," Jocelyn rapped at the top of her lungs. She did a twirl. "I feel like a motherfucking unicorn."

I laughed hysterically. Jocelyn was never one to say such silly, random things. She looked at me with such love and endearment that I'd never seen… She held me close, confessing her love in my ear repeatedly. "Good boy, good boy…" Every repetition sparkled in my brain, sending legitimate trembles through my body. I was hopelessly addicted to her.

"Yo Kashi, wanna hit this?" Isaiah pointed with his thumb to the kitchen. We followed him and saw Red bent over the kitchen counter with her lips to a plastic water jug cut in half, the open end inside of the sink filled with water. Sarah was lighting a makeshift pipe stuck out the front of the jug. The jug filled with smoke as Red lifted it toward the top of the water. Sarah released the carb and -swoosh- the thick smoke disappeared into Red's body. She exhaled the fat cloud of smoke almost immediately but did not cough.

"The fuck is that?!" Jocelyn said.

"Gravity bong," Sarah said. She waved at Jocelyn to give it a gander.

Jocelyn pressed her pink lips to the water jug while Sarah lit the bowl. Jocelyn slowly lifted the jug from the bottom of the sink full of water and as it raised, smoke filled the jug. The smoke was so thick it actually turned a creamy yellow color. It sounded like a colosseum inside of the kitchen with everyone cheering for Jocelyn. Even Red was impressed and did not think Jocelyn would be able to out-do her. Jocelyn exhaled the gallon sized hit without coughing. She looked a little woozy. She gave everyone a high-five.

It was my turn to take a hit. I coughed so hard that I thought for sure my lungs were bleeding. I was dying. Everyone gave me props for trying to follow Jocelyn's lead, but she was on another level. Red cracked open some beers and handed me one. We all stood in a circle in the living room. Everyone was dancing, bouncing up and down to the rhythm of the electronic music. Everyone was feeling the molly at this point. Confessions of love went around the room.

Sarah pulled out a plastic baggie full of glow sticks and passed them around. Isaiah was the first one to start making patterns in the air with his glow stick. Several spectrums of colors were causing tracers to skip across the room. I could see the patterns tracing across the air, like an infinity symbol or a heart, as if my eyes were holding in the light… Red wrote out the letters M-O-L-L-Y and everyone laughed in recognition of what she wrote down. I was too entranced to move.

Sarah took off her top, put on finger lights and gave a light show to Red. She had this hazy look in her eyes like in a hypnotic state as Sarah's fingers danced around her face. I wanted to show off. Somehow I stood up, grabbed 10 finger-lights from the bag and led Jocelyn to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet as I gave my best impression of a light show.

Jocelyn's turn… She stood up from the toilet seat and pushed my shoulders down, dropping me to my knees. If my lips weren't so dry I would've had a trail of drool down the side of my lips. She sat back down on the toilet seat and blew my mind. She made a butterfly with her hands, flapping its wings, then threw her hands into horizontal waves like a sentient squiggly line. She would throw her fingers so close to my eyes that I thought she was going to poke them, then divert at the last second past the sides of my head.

She sat down on the toilet seat and continued. It was almost too intense with all the trails of light everywhere. The music penetrated my heart. My mind felt on overdrive. Too much euphoria, too much sensation; my neurons were bursting… I almost tapped out, but stayed kneeling as she continued giving me more and more patterns.

My brain was about to burst, yet Jocelyn believed I could take more. She instructed me to scoot backward and she took off her socks. She attached the finger-lights to her toes… The rest of her feet were softly glowing in the color red-green-blue gradients and she began to make patterns with her feet, spreading her toes in a stretch and twirling her ankles in circular motions. Up and down, side to side… She clutched my cheeks with the arches of her feet…

Sarah walked in and began giggling. "Holy fuck! I never thought about that before! I gotta try…" She walked out and gave us some privacy. Me and Jocelyn laughed, slightly embarrassed but the drugs had removed most of our inhibitions.

"I fucking love you," she whispered in my left ear, then went to my right ear. "I love you so much…" Then back to my left ear, repeating it… "Such a good boy." Each repetition set off atomic explosions in my brain and I was a shaking mess. She finally gave me a reprieve and we went back to the living room to socialize with everyone else… We laughed as we saw Sarah giving Red a light show with her toes.