Chapter 14 The bond of growing up in split-pants_1

The canteen for professors at the Military District General Hospital is famously elegant and tranquil, not only in terms of environment but also due to the various delicious stir-fries available. It's truly a godsend for home travel and bribery purposes.

"Director Si, Mr. Si, Si Xiaochen, our bond is as tight as if we grew up wearing the same pair of split pants. You must help me with this favor, whether you want to or not!"

Shen Liang clasped his hands together, desperately pleading with the man who was only interested in his lunch on the table.

"I'm not your mother-in-law; what's the rush!"

If it weren't for Si Yuchen stumbling upon Shen Liang and his partner's car shaking session a while ago, he'd probably never have guessed in his lifetime that he was gay.

Seeing that begging wasn't working, Shen Liang's expression changed drastically. He crossed his legs and his coquettish and enchanting demeanor made him look several times more beautiful than a woman, "She's my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's cousin's wife's junior high school classmate's desk mate's mother's friend's coworker. How can I stand by and do nothing to help?"

This long string of relationships had also given him a big headache initially.

Si Yuchen lazily opened his eyelids and picked up a piece of stir-fried pork, "You come to me with a connection as tenuous as that? Liang, it seems you stepped out without your brain today!"

Who cares who she is, he was in a bad mood now and had no time to rescue and help others.

Upon hearing this, Shen Liang's heart shattered, "Damn it, I've already promised them! They're coming right now."

"Right now?" Glancing at Shen Liang, Si Yuchen suddenly stood up, "I'm full, you take your time."

"Bro, you're my real brother!"

"I don't have a brother as pathetic as you."

"Don't push me, or I'll be forced to use my trump card." He was still being polite, who knew if he might be driven insane by this guy who was impervious to both soft and hard tactics. "Even a cornered dog will leap over a wall. I wined and dined you, and this tiny favor is something you could easily take care of."

Si Yuchen pulled out his phone and flipped through a few private collection photos before showing them to Shen Liang, "I'm not forcing you. It's fine, we can both go down. I'm all alone anyway, unlike you..."

Shen Liang's face went through several changes, like a carousel, brilliant and splendid.

"Excuse me, which one is Director Shen from internal medicine?"

While her brother went to park the car, she followed the pointers from passerby straight to the professors' canteen at the hospital.

"Over there, the second row, third table, that's him."

The cleaning lady in the canteen was smitten, staring intently at Si Yuchen and Shen Liang. The two of them were not only handsome faces of the Military District General Hospital but also came from noble families with exceptional medical skills.

"Second row... third table, ah, I see it, thank you, ma'am."

The view of Shen Liang's dining table was mostly blocked by the tall and imposing figure of a man also in a white lab coat, who emitted an incredibly intense sense of pressure.

Shen Liang was preoccupied with pleading to Si Yuchen and only when a pure and lovely young girl headed straight toward him did he shift his gaze to Gu Xiaonuan.

"Are you Director Shen?"

The woman's sweet and ethereal voice suddenly rang from behind, and a glint of cunning flashed through the brown depths of Si Yuchen's eyes—as prey that had walked right up to his door, how could he let it slip away?

When Shen Liang saw Gu Xiaonuan walking straight toward him, he guessed her purpose, and now that she could recognize him directly, he was even more certain.

He stood up, politely extending his right hand...

Si Yuchen's long hand snatched Shen Liang's hovering right hand out of the air and held it tight, "Director Shen, I'll do my best."

What the hell?

"..." Looking disgustedly at his right hand held by Si Yuchen, Shen Liang cursed Si Yuchen from top to bottom with a speechless gaze, twitching his lips into a harmless, animal-like smile, "Miss Gu, right? This is Director Si Yuchen..."

Si Yuchen?

Gu Xiaonuan was speechless and choked up. Hasn't her streak of bad luck run its course yet?