Chapter 15 Won't Take Her Seriously_1

Gu Xijue arrived later than Gu Xiaonuan and didn't expect that Nuannuan had already started chatting with Si Yuchen.

"Nuannuan, this is..."

Gu Xijue remembered Shen Liang, as they had met once before, but Si Yuchen...

"Director Si Yuchen, an elite from the neurosurgery department," Gu Xiaonuan reluctantly stood up and formally introduced him to Gu Xijue. "Director Si, this is my brother, Gu Xijue."

"Director Si, we'll be troubling you with Auntie's situation. Regardless of whether Auntie can wake up or not, we will offer a hefty sum as thanks!"

"You don't have to be polite with me. Since it's my mother-in-law's matter, it's my own matter." After running into Gu Xiaonuan at the municipal hospital last time, he immediately pulled up Shen Biran's medical records: spinal nerve damage, brain tissue injury. The possibility of waking up wasn't zero, however, the likelihood that she would spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair was inescapable.

"Mother-in-law?" Gu Xijue looked at Si Yuchen with a blank expression, observing the intriguing glint in the man's brown eyes and the immense pressure radiating from him that made him involuntarily convinced.

The words that came out of his mouth were spelled out one by one, none of them mischievous lies.

"Brother, don't listen to this guy's nonsense!" Gu Xiaonuan inwardly panicked, thinking that in the professor's canteen, Si Yuchen would consider his dignity and restrain himself, but who knew...

"Big Brother-in-Law, Nuannuan is already carrying my child. I will take responsibility. We'll register for the marriage first, and the wedding can be held after Mother-in-Law wakes up," Si Yuchen took it upon himself to plan the latter half of Gu Xiaonuan's life without consulting her.

With a "bang," Gu Xiaonuan slammed the table and rose.

She sneered twice, picked up a cup filled with cool boiled water, and poured it directly over his head, "Si Yuchen, if you're so eager to play the cheap father figure, go to an orphanage. There's no shortage of kids there!"

His neat and tidy short hair was drenched, with shiny water droplets hanging from the lustrous tips.

The man's long and dense eyelashes slowly opened, "Gu Xiaonuan, you'd better think carefully. In this world, the only person who can awaken your mother is me. You have no other choice!"

Did this woman really think he liked her, that she was indispensable?

Gu Xiaonuan was at a loss for words, her lips quivering.

She should have realized earlier that Si Yuchen was nothing but a despicable, shameless bully, a devil in an angel's skin!

Saving lives and helping the injured was a doctor's duty, but to him, it became a bargaining chip to threaten her into submission.

Gu Xijue was quite shocked, "Nuannuan, what on earth is going on here! I think you need to explain this to me right now."

Where had Si Yuchen come from, and why was he marrying Nuannuan!

Gu Xiaonuan hung her head, looking across at the disheveled yet still noble figure soaked like a drenched chicken, "Brother, he's crazy. Besides his medical skills, there's not a single normal thing about him."

Acknowledging the child in her belly as his at first meeting, yet she couldn't even recall his face; it would be strange indeed if the child were his!

She didn't even know where the child had come from unless she was some sort of hermaphrodite like a seahorse and had managed it on her own.

"Director Si, I want to hear your explanation too."

The more Gu Xiaonuan blushed and tried to deny her relationship with Si Yuchen, the more suspicious he became.

Si Yuchen, having been drenched, showed not the slightest annoyance. With dignified generosity, he made Gu Xiaonuan look like the rude little lunatic, "It's exactly as Big Brother-in-Law has seen. A pregnant woman's emotions are unstable; I understand that, so I won't take it seriously with her."

A roll of eyes was immediately thrown his way, and Gu Xiaonuan glared at him through gritted teeth, damn bastard, who asked him for his opinion!