Chapter 243: It was My Impulse_1

Shu Yu walked out of Han Ling's hospital room and happened to run smack into Gu Xiaonuan, who was sneakily pulling Si Yuchen out of the ward.

Seeing Shu Yu, Gu Xiaonuan couldn't suppress her anger and let go of Si Yuchen's arm, for the time being.

"Lawyer Shu, your wife's hospital room seems to be this one."

Gu Xiaonuan pointed to Li Lu's ward, her tone anything but pleasant.

Shu Yu remained as courteous as ever, "You're here too? Thank you for visiting Lulu."

Gu Xiaonuan glared at Shu Yu and took the opportunity to sweep a glance at the tightly closed door of the hospital room opposite.

"Lawyer Shu now truly enjoys the embrace of two, with hospital rooms right across from each other, quite convenient, isn't it?"

I really don't know whether Shen Liang did it on purpose or not. Gu Xiaonuan's instructions were very clear: Han Ling was not to be received to stay here; her shoulder wound could be treated here, but she shouldn't be allowed to stay in the ward.