Chapter 244: Just About to Settle the Score with You_1


Si Yuchen and Gu Xiaonuan entered the office one after the other, and the dim office suddenly lit up.

Shen Liang sat on the sofa, his face lit up with excitement as he watched them.

Gu Xiaonuan froze for a moment before snapping back to reality.

"I was just about to settle accounts with you!"

After being lectured by Si Yuchen, Gu Xiaonuan was now ready to take it out on Shen Liang.

Shen Liang thought he would receive praise from Gu Xiaonuan, but instead of praise, he heard that she was looking to settle accounts with him.

"The three of you have a pretty unique relationship, don't you? I've seen it, so I took the initiative to arrange for them to sit across from each other. Miss Gu, I did this truly for the sake of your friend, to see the man's true heart, didn't I?"

Being a man, Shen Liang understood the difficult position Shu Yu was in.