Chapter 4 Uncle, Awesome

"Ye Anran, you whore!" Bo Youlin, face as dark as iron, suddenly lost all his demeanor as he raised his hand and struck towards Ye Anran's face.

Ye Anran's pupils tightened, and she swung her hands forcefully to block.

But someone was faster than her. A strong, long arm grabbed Bo Youlin's wrist forcefully as he swung his hand.

"Youlin, men of the Bo Family do not hit women!"

The tone of Bo Jinyu was indifferent and calm, yet it carried an immense force.

Bo Youlin's eyes reddened with fury. He had always been proud and conceited, and he had never suffered such humiliation before.

The whispers of the guests around him only fueled his rage to near madness.

This sensational and scandalous gossip was always a hot topic. Immediately, everyone found it amusing, and the more they talked, the more excited they became:

"Oh, my God, this is actually a drama with a twist!"

"It's really unexpected!"

"Ye Anran did brilliantly! ..."

Bo Youlin, furious and humiliated, but Bo Jinyu was clearly protecting Ye Anran, and hitting a woman in public truly did lose a man's grace.

He glared darkly at Ye Anran and pulled back his hand.

Bo Jinyu had to admit—he was impressed by this girl's sharp tongue. With that one line, it would be strange if people didn't misinterpret their relationship.

Alas, his poor nephew!

This stigma was definitely sticking!

Just then, someone in the crowd shouted, "Old Master Bo is here."


Though Old Master Bo was already in his seventies, he looked vigorous and in great health.

He walked in majestically hand in hand with his beautiful wife, followed by his eldest son and daughter-in-law.

This old gentleman was a commercial legend of S city, and the Bo family was a distinguished family of high standing in S city. Everyone who saw him had to respectfully address him as "Elder Bo."

Ye Anran felt somewhat nervous. With an elder present, she feared that Bo Jinyu might not continue to support her due to family reasons.

She tried to withdraw her foot to leave, but Bo Jinyu held her hand very tightly.

She looked at him, but he didn't look back at her; instead, he continued holding her hand and approached the old man, saying, "Dad! Mom!"

"You really time it just right to come back, huh!" Old Master Bo couldn't help feeling both angry and helpless as soon as he saw his youngest son.

"It was the flight delay! Otherwise, I would have been here two hours earlier!" Bo Jinyu replied, his noble face displaying a bit of irreverence upon hearing Old Master Bo's words.

"You, why couldn't you come back a few days earlier? Still have the nerve to talk about two hours!" Elder Bo, face flushed and beaming, scolded, but his eyes were filled with indulgence.

"You father spoiled you rotten! If you dare go abroad again, I really won't acknowledge you anymore!" Qiu Liya, Elder Bo's wife from his second marriage, was extremely beautiful and charming.

Once a prominent actress at the peak of her fame, she fell in love with the old gentleman and chose to retire at the height of her career to marry, despite her family's objections.

"Mom, have you been getting cosmetic treatments lately? You look younger than me!" Bo Jinyu said with a smile.

Charmed by her son's compliment, Qiu Liya playfully retorted, "It's just your sweet talk!"

However, when it came to Bo Jinyu holding Ye Anran's face, there was a clear, brief pause.

Although she never interfered in the love affairs of the younger generation, she was aware a bit of Bo Youlin and Ye Anran's relationship, but why was her younger son holding Ye Anran's hand now?

At this moment, Bo Youlin's parents, the eldest son of the Bo Family, Bo Jianjun, and his wife, Lin Shuangshuang, wore even stranger expressions. They had silently consented to Bo Youlin's plan to propose to Ye Rouxin.

In their view, what mattered most was maximizing the benefits of the marriage between the two sides, and clearly, in the Ye Family, Ye Rouxin was more important.

However, what they didn't understand was how Ye Anran had ended up being with Bo Jinyu?

Qiu Liya was puzzled, but she was a smart person and knew this was not the place to ask such questions, yet Lin Shuangshuang, unable to contain her curiosity, asked aloud, "Uncle, how come you are together with Miss Ye?"

Bo Jinyu just gave a graceful smile, his gaze warm, "Sister-in-law, it's simply because I liked her that we are together!"

Pfft, what a clever response.

Uncle, way to go!

Ye Anran silently gave Uncle Bo thirty-two thumbs ups.

Lin Shuangshuang's expression changed, showing faint displeasure, but she said no more.

Meanwhile, the gazes of those around them were especially vibrant and colorful.

This really is the big drama of the year!

"Elder Bo, today is your grand birthday, I had an Italian cake master SOSO personally make you a seven-layer cake!" Qiu Liya smiled elegantly, deftly changing the subject from the awkward situation.

As for her son and Ye Anran's matter, it could wait until later to be addressed.

In public, one must not lose face.

"Let's go." Despite his age, Old Master Bo's mind was clear as a mirror, fully understanding these principles, and he walked towards the small stage holding his wife's hand.

The housekeeper had already briskly arranged for the large cake to be brought out.



Ye Anran had been holding her breath the entire time, so tense that even her toes were curled up.

Seeing that the focus was finally shifting away from them, she casually picked up a champagne flute held by a wine server next to her and drained it in one gulp, but because she drank too hastily, it went up her nose.

She coughed lightly a few times, her face turning flush with embarrassment.

Long fingers holding a handkerchief reached in front of her.

"Thank you." Ye Anran took the handkerchief, wiped her mouth, her cheeks blushing.

A mischievous light flashed in Bo Jinyu's eyes as he bent down, his thin lips close to her ear, whispering softly, "My performance wasn't too bad, right? And you are not allowed to ask me for the money for the gown anymore!"

The warm breath burned her earlobe.

His body carried a faint mint scent, which entered her nose, seemingly magnifying and spreading within her sense of smell. Her heart stirred slightly.

This was a meticulous and considerate man.

She knew that he was not troubled about the money for the gown; such an amount was negligible for the Bo Family. He was merely comforting her nerves.

Her eyes twinkled, her slender lips curving into a smile.