Chapter 5 Ye Anran's Sharp Tongue


Bo Youlin stared at the intimacy between the two, feeling a jealous fire burning in his chest.

And when his gaze fell on the small handbag in Bo Jinyu's hand, his anger swelled even more!

Indeed, they were having an affair. When Bo Jinyu had come in, he had already been holding this bag!


"Jinyu, come over and cut the cake!" Qiu Liya smiled warmly at her son from a distance.

Bo Jinyu looked down at Ye Anran, "Shall we go together?"

"No, you go ahead," Ye Anran shook her head.

"Hmm," Bo Jinyu nodded, not insisting further.

It was clear that at this moment, she couldn't withstand much more agitation.

He handed her the small bag he had been holding the whole time.

"Ah? Why do you have this?" Ye Anran was stunned to see her handbag in his possession, trying to recall, had she left it in the restroom?

"It was left in the restroom," Bo Jinyu said with an elegant smile.

Ye Anran took her handbag, and Bo Jinyu walked over to Elder Bo.


Once again, Ye Anran picked up a glass of champagne, but this time she did not dare to drink hastily, and only took a shallow sip.

On stage, the Bo family members were cutting the cake. Bo Jinyu's tall figure, his clear and cool brows and eyes, his lips curved in a smile, exuded an aloof and noble charisma that made him stand out in the crowd.

He had inherited the beauty of his mother, the actress Qiu Liya, with particularly fine and three-dimensional features, which made him look entirely different from Bo Youlin, which was why Ye Anran hadn't recognized him.

"Ye Anran, I didn't expect you to be so capable, to have actually hooked up with Bo Jinyu!" Ye Rouxin's words were saturated with jealousy, her heart practically verging on madness.

Ye Anran looked at the approaching Ye Rouxin, her lips curved in a slight smile, with a sidelong glance, "My dear sister, could I be as capable as you? Hooking up even with my boyfriend!"

"That's because you're incompetent!" Ye Rouxin lowered her voice and glared at her.

"Heh," Ye Anran coldly laughed, looked at Ye Rouxin, and said lightly, "That's right, someone like you, a 'fighter' among sluts. Who else could match your skills?"

Ye Rouxin's face turned dark with rage, almost collapsing, "Ye Anran, you're the slut!"

Compared to Ye Rouxin's frantic anger, Ye Anran was remarkably calm, looking at her with indifferent eyes and a serene smile,

"Good architecture in China, who's the slut is well-known!"

"You you..." Ye Anran's sharp tongue left Ye Rouxin gasping with fury. She gritted her teeth hard but was helpless to outdo her sister, and suddenly she thought of something and laughed coldly, "Ye Anran, don't be so proud of hooking up with Bo Jinyu! Just you wait! There will be a day when you'll cry!"

"Really? I haven't cried in years, and I am quite looking forward to it!" Ye Anran turned away, no longer paying attention to Ye Rouxin.

Her aloof demeanor infuriated Ye Rouxin, grinding her teeth in vexation.



Such a party really was no fun at all.

She had never enjoyed attending parties before, and if it weren't for Bo Youlin telling her there would be a surprise, she wouldn't have hurried over so eagerly.

But she hadn't expected to be greeted with such a hurtful surprise.

Putting down the glass.

Ye Anran walked out of the banquet hall.

When Bo Jinyu saw that slender figure leaving, he put down the silver cake knife, "Mom and dad, I'll step out for a moment."

"Jinyu!" Qiu Liya rebuked him sternly.


Bo Jinyu faced his mother's scolding with just a shallow smile, embraced her shoulders, and said affectionately, "Beautiful Mom, if you keep scolding, your future grandson will be late to the world again!"

"Are you serious?" Qiu Liya was somewhat surprised. Hearing her son's words, she raised her head with an inquisitive look.

"Hmm, it's possible!" Bo Jinyu responded with an elegant smile.

Before Qiu Liya could react, he, like a gentleman, planted a kiss on his mother's beautiful visage and then turned and left.

Qiu Liya laughed helplessly and with frustration.

Old Master Bo sighed deeply as he looked at his wife's smiling face.

This son had always been beyond anyone's control.

Standing at the entrance of the hotel, waiting for a taxi.

It was the end of spring and the start of summer, with a hint of chill in the night air.

She involuntarily shivered slightly, suddenly feeling cold.

When Bo Jinyu came out, Ye Anran was somewhat surprised.

"Uncle Bo, what are you doing here?"

"What, you're planning to ditch me after using me?" Bo Jinyu teased, his slender eyes twinkling with a charming light in the night.

"I didn't mean that. I don't know how to repay you for tonight's favor, but the banquet isn't over yet, isn't it bad for you to come out now?" Ye Anran hurriedly explained.

Bo Jinyu had truly helped her out a lot tonight. Without him, she didn't know how embarrassed she would have been!

"It's simple, give yourself to me!" Bo Jinyu's eyes sparkled with teasing intent as he said this, while instructing a parking attendant nearby to bring the car over.

"Give... myself to you?" Ye Anran's eyes widened in bewilderment. "Uncle Bo, that joke isn't funny at all."

"Does my expression not look serious enough?" Bo Jinyu suddenly turned back, gazing earnestly at Ye Anran.

Ye Anran nodded awkwardly, "Very serious! But giving myself is too high a price!"

Bo Jinyu burst into laughter upon hearing her words. This woman truly didn't know what she had—other women were clamoring to marry him!

"Want to take revenge on those two?"

Why would he suddenly ask this, with such a devilish grin?

Ye Anran felt she must have misheard.

She widened her eyes, staring at Bo Jinyu in front of her as if he were some kind of monster.

A faint, privileged smile played on his lips.

"I have a great idea!"

Uh... Ye Anran's face was a picture of dismay.

Uncle Bo, what are you playing at?

Aren't you Bo Youlin's uncle? You two don't seem to have any grudges, right?

Yet, she couldn't help but ask, "What's the great idea?"

Deep down, she probably harbored a desire to torment scum.

"Marry me!" Bo Jinyu's thin lips parted, his gaze as gentle as jade, smiling at her.

Just then, the parking attendant brought the car over to the side.

Bo Jinyu took a step forward, propped his arm on the car door, leaned forward slightly, and effectively trapped Ye Anran between himself and the car.