Chapter 11 Shake off the Car behind _1

Upon hearing Bo Jinyu's words, Charlie instantly floored the accelerator.

In the night, the silver Maybach, like an arrow, shot out instantly.

The taxi behind also sped up at the same time to catch up.

After Charlie pressed hard on the accelerator, he slowed down a bit. Their aim was not to shake off the cars behind but to find out who was tailing them.

He controlled the speed within the taxi's limit.

After a few minutes of a chase, Charlie swiftly turned the direction and switched to reverse gear, making the car retreat like an arrow.

The sudden act frightened a few cars behind, including the one tailing them.

Bo Jinyu's icy gaze in the night was startling, much like a night wolf.

On their meeting with Zuo Aiai's eyes, her face turned pale with fright.

She wondered why she felt, in that split second, as if she was being looked at by death itself.

Her hands tightly held onto her purse.