Chapter 12 The Unforgettable Kiss

Bo Jinyu retracted his body quickly the moment she "vomited", narrowly avoiding a direct hit!

If he had been even a second slower, he couldn't even dare to think of the consequences.

His face instantly darkened.

A sour and rotten smell spread throughout the car.

This woman!

Bo Jinyu only felt a dampness creeping up his thighs and calves, his eyebrows forming a small mountain chain.

He didn't need to look down to know how pitiful one of his legs was at this moment, completely covered in a certain woman's vomit!

Charlie, driving the car, had a face that went through several changes.

He just felt the smell was changing too quickly; one second it was that lovey-dovey rotten smell, the next it naturally transitioned to the odor of post-drinking vomit.

Thinking about it, the Second Master is really pitiful.