Chapter 14 She Doesn't Remember Anymore

After a long pause, she asked softly, "Uncle Bo, was it you who helped me change my clothes last night?"

Ye Anran asked with particular discretion.

"This villa usually isn't inhabited, so there are no permanent servants," Bo Jinyu didn't directly answer her question, but his words indirectly admitted that it was he who had undressed her.

Ye Anran's little face instantly blazed with heat.

"Uh, Uncle Bo, about last night... haha, it's nothing, we're all adults, even if something did happen, it's no big deal!" Ye Anran tried to laugh naturally, trying to appear very easygoing and generous, pretending not to care about what had happened the night before.

In fact, she was filled with regret!

No matter how much she had calculated, she never expected that, on the rare occasion she got drunk, she would wake up in Uncle Bo's house!

Damn Zuo Aiai, when she saw her, she was definitely going to slaughter her! To vent her sadness and anger.