Chapter 80 This Remark Is Quite Hurtful

Sitting on the bench, Ye Anran had already calmed down.

"Mr. Bo, please say what you have to say!"

Her calmness surprised Old Master Bo.

Old Master Bo suddenly began to doubt the origin of that medical record, could she really be as promiscuous as Youlin had described?

In truth, Old Master Bo had only met Ye Anran five times, and on four of those occasions, Youlin had brought her along.

Back then, Ye Anran was a shy and very ordinary little girl.

But now, her eyes, clear as crystal, exuded a calm intelligence, uncharacteristic of girls her age.

She must have guessed the purpose of his visit by now, yet to remain so composed was quite rare.

He smiled, "You must have guessed why I'm here, haven't you?"

"I'm interested to hear how Elder Bo plans to convince me to give up Uncle Bo, hmm... I hope you don't use any cliché tactics." Ye Anran smiled lightly, acknowledging that she knew his purpose.

With a gentle smile, she seemed to return to the youthfulness of her age.