Chapter 81: Well Done, Miss Ye

Gazing slightly upward at the sky, she observed the faint moonlight, the bright moon, and the sparse stars.

She actually didn't want to cry, yet for some reason, her nose just felt so sore.

Not wanting to let others look down on her, she always kept her back very straight, even if she was truly upset, still maintaining a slight upward curve at the corners of her mouth.

She didn't blame the old man, instead, she envied Uncle Bo greatly for having parents who could plan his future and protect him.

After all, as parents, everyone hopes for their children's wellbeing; the old man was not wrong in his actions.

Uncle Bo, indeed, needed a capable and powerful wife to hold his ground firmly within the Bo family.

She just… began to miss Uncle Bo… a lot…

Lying on the bed, the uncontrollable tears streamed down.