A Pregnant, Grumpy Dragon

You've asked me to investigate witch defector Maranda Itah, and it pains me to inform you that I've not made any headway.

As for what she stole from you, I am yet to see it… and I haven't seen her make use of it either. However, believe me when I say that I'm unrelenting in this task.

Marenda Itah might be cunny, but I shall prove to you that I am cunnier. 

- This Witch-Spy to Vale

Astrid huffed and puffed, smoke coming out of her nostrils. While Vinn had never seen a dragon breathe fire yet, it felt as if Astrid was close to doing so.

"You will ride Astrid," Xander said.

Vinn meant to object, for one she had yet to master how to ride an accomplished dragon, and Astrid looked like she wanted to commit murder.

"There's a saddle on her back, I am sure you will be well strapped and Astrid won't allow you to fall off." He said, cutting off her protest.