At S5 Of Brienda Fortress

It is my pleasure to let this council know that we have successfully resisted the invasion of witch-spies to our great nation.

With the elder dragon, and the elder blood on our side, we will encourage witches that wish to defect to come to us, and we shall provide them safe haven.

And of course, the Elder Dragon shall be our nation's top secret weapon.

- Elara Stormward to the Second Royalty Council

"We will be late," Pete's vice jolted Vinn from her trance. She took a deep breath as her eyes met with Xander's.

And in that moment as they held each other's stare, Vinn was aware that Xander knew that for a moment she was no longer there. If not for anything, the glow of her eyes must have given her away.

Did he also know about Astrid's true origins?

He must not have known that the dragon he bonded to by Dragon Summoning is actually the hatchling of his mother's dragon.