Our Vi Is Here

After six hundred years of failing to penetrate Dragonia, we have finally found the means and the way—and that is you, Tyra Lanasis. 

In this mission, you shall be forever known as Saegra, and you shall go forth and pave a way for us in Dragonia. 

Hear us, Tyra Lanasis, and accept your first mission; The Conquest

Re: I accept my first mission, and promise to carry it out with every fibre of my blood and bone.

- Valian Council Presenting the Five Missions to Tyra Lanasis (Saegra)

Pete led Vinn into the castle that she was familiar with. And the walk to Lord Albridge's quarters was a silent one.

With every maid they passed, and with every guard they met, a memory of Albridge castle in Vinn always dredged up to the surface.