The Art Of Intimacy

Xander tentatively tended at Vinnandra's wounds.

For the ones embedded on her chest, it required Vinn to completely take off her top, and after kissing Xander, she found that all her shyness and embarrassment had disappeared into thin air.

Without thinking much about, Vinn took off her top baring her upper body to him. The slip she was wearing inside was already half destroyed by both Jalamayun's red palm and the dagger she used on herself. One look at Xander's raised eyebrows and she knew that she had to take the slip off too.

She tugged at the strings, removing the slip. The fireplace no longer warmed her, instead it was Xander's heated stare on her that did.

Vinn had never bared herself to anyone before like that. She hadn't loved any man before too except for the one tiny crush she had on a servant boy that served at Albridge Castle when she was little.