By Your Side Forever

"So what is the name of what you rubbed in my wounds?" Vinnandra asked as she cleared her throat, steering their conversation in a much safer territory.

She didn't reckon she was anxious for everyone in the cave to have an inkling of what was going on between her and Xander Lenklock.

"Astrid's saliva."


"You don't know," Xander said, staring at her with the hint of smile tugging at the corners of his lips and eyes, "a dragon's saliva has healing qualities."

"Of course I know that. It just sounds…"


"Of course not. I mean how were you able to extract her saliva in the first place?"

"You truly underestimate the lengths Astrid is will to go for you."

"No, I didn't mean it like that…"

"Of course I know. I was only joking. Did the hunt take away your sense of humour."

"What's with this new Xander?"

"You're one to ask."