The First Royal That Fell

PS: Refer to Chapter 108-109 for the previous chapters set in Vale.

Zulu, the first son of the High Lord and Heir apparent to the High Lord's seat of power in Vale considered himself a very patient man.

So patient was he that he had been waiting for that very day to come for twenty years… or was it sixteen years? He wasn't very good with maths.

"Congratulations my lord, for using the hand of the Akira tribe to purchase such monumental victory!" Zulu's advisor hailed him as they walked the long winding steps leading to the biggest historical museum in Vale.

Zulu didn't smile. "Victory is not mine yet." He replied sternly, wondering if he had underestimated his enemies? Or if he had overestimated them? He figured that he would get his answers soon when the Bristom clan will report back to him.