The Original Valean Bloodline

There is this feeling that comes at the conclusion of a thing… Vinnandra would like to call it the feeing of the end.

As her, Deanera, and Ryker rode the wind, Vinn could very well see that the end was already facing them… everything would be over before anyone knew it.

"You've not for once asked me why the witches are so after my blood." Zalreth said suddenly as they flew south of the ice forest. In the face of her words, Vinn realized that she hadn't inquired about that mostly because she had felt Zalreth couldn't possibly have an answer.

But she was realizing then that she had underestimated how ancient and experienced Zalreth was… the dragon was one of the oldest living thing that roamed Dragonia, which meant she had seen history happen before it was ever written.

Vinn smiled a small smile, "indeed I find that I've neglected to ask you that, my apologies."