To Move On Or Not?

At first, the snow fog was so severe that Vinnandra had no clear vision of what it was that rammed into her and Zalreth. Especially considering she was still dangling from the creature's wings. But then, it cleared somewhat, revealing none other than the Primarch.

"Ahhh… my apologies." The Primarch said not sounding apologetic in the least. He was mounted on Nork, his quite terrifying looking dragon with an expansive number of spikes decorating its back.

Vinn grunted as she attempted to climb onto Zalreth's back from her powerful wings. The Primarch simply observed her struggle with an arched eyebrow.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" He finally asked.

Vinn wondered how he could possibly help her. Besides, she didn't want Nork anywhere close to Zalreth. The two creatures both matched in strength, and considering how they were both staring daggers at each other, it would seem as though a silent fight was brewing between the two of them.