The Red One Breaks The Brick

When prophecies actually align, only dearth and death will follow.

Well the time has come; for the Red One to break the brick.

- Strange Whispers 

Greatly confused, Xander looked between the red dragon, and the black dragon that was almost thrice her size. Next thing, a huge ball of fire formed in the black dragon's throat, and without warning, it hurtled for Astrid.

He could barely react. No, he had no time to react.

He had no time to process why Canine would want to burn Astrid in a horrible way.

Except the fire wasn't intended for Astrid. No, the fire was intended for a very discreet Dragon Trainer behind Astrid that possessed a long black dagger in his hand that he didn't notice until then.

And that dagger was poised, just somewhere underneath Astrid's belly. Just a second later, and the dagger would swipe at Astrid.