A Beautiful, Lethal Thing


"And now, we shall recite our vow as accomplished riders!" The initiator said just as Vinn felt her whole body quake from a tremor so bad that it went straight to her heart.

A sadness like no other pierced through her, making her gloomy amongst the fifty-two students that were graduating the same as her.

"Vinn… Vinn, are you okay?" Kaelan Baldrig asked her from her side where he stood at attention, his hand crossed against his chest.

Vinn forced a small smile, "I am fine." She said even though she felt anything but. It was hard to be fine when this overwhelming sadness had come over her.

"I still can't believe you're the best graduating rider. Well I should have known, you do have a strange way of going through books like it's just water."

Vinn smiled tightly, uncomfortable for more than one reason. "A strange way indeed."