Three Years Ago

It would take Vinnandra at least seven hours before she got to the Eastern Borders. She knew it, and yet her journey had never seemed painfully long as it felt at that moment. Even though Zalreth flew her hardest for her sake.

Two years ago, after one year of ghosting Xander, the remaining connection she felt to him had suddenly snapped.

It had been so sudden, how her bond with Astrid had simply disappeared into the wind. It had also served as evidence that what she shared with Xander Lenklock no longer existed.

Afterall, for with the bond she could ask Astrid about him while maintaining her stoic, heartless appearance against him. With the bond, Astrid all but shamelessly updated her about Xander's movements, and Vinn could vividly still remember those nights while on her bed where she laughed so hard till tears stung her eyes.