The first Royalty Council now establishes 'The Dragon Trainers', an organization of men who will be devoted to the cause of Disciplining and Taming Dragons while enforcing the peace for and on the behalf of Dragon Riders.
— The First Ever Royalty Council on creating the Order of Dragon Trainers as headed by Palet Lenklock
Gathered at the flight grounds were Ryker Stormward, Kai IronHeart, Deanera Snow, Zarean Taramas and Kaelan Baldrig.
"Kaelan?" Vinn voiced, quite surprised at the sight of her friend there. Last she checked, Kaelan was still bemoaning his dire status at the Bladrig Castle in the letters that he sent to Vinn.
Letters that Vinn had read with great reluctance and even sparse sympathy. She had concluded that Kaelan simply had a thing for theartrics, and she had taught herself to conform to his never ending drama.