Chapter XVI: Blood-Scented

Somewhere else that night...

 Claeg was running through the streets of a large city he'd just arrived in. He was angry, his mind on autopilot as he maneuvered past obstacles. The day hadn't gone the way he'd wanted it to. Tymon hadn't shown, he almost killed the human, then let a Primordial and the human escape, and he was still pained with a ravenous hunger.

 This was the second time he had messed up. He knew this would only hurt his reliability among the others.

 At some point, he arrived at his destination, a small warehouse-like shack hidden away where he kept his late-night snacks. When he opened the door, he saw the six dirty, half-naked humans he'd reserved for later. Their metal collars clanged as the chains connected to the hooks on the cement floor swung during their movements.

 As the door fully opened, each human froze.

 Claeg recalled Avarice warning him not to create any more commotion among the humans. Although now that he thought about it, he just destroyed a building today – something he's sure he'll be punished for later. An image of an angry Verin flashed across his mind, giving him the chills.

 He hated it, but for now, he was forced to stockpile his prey instead of hunting them. He stepped inside, turning on a light to illuminate the large area. The humans tried to scurry further away from him as he turned to shut the large industrial doors.

 Claeg approached the closest human – a tall, lean, muscular male in boxer briefs – and removed the collar from his neck. His hunger was to the point he felt he would go mad at any moment. He grabbed the man by the arm and started walking to the "feeding room", a separate room within the shack that was probably a managerial office at one point. Now, it's where he eats.

 The man began to resist uselessly against Claeg's grip. Seeing him struggle somewhat lightened Claeg's mood to a degree.

 "It's pointless," Claeg smiled devilishly. The man stopped resisting, his eyes filled with fear and defiance as he spat in Claeg's face.

 "I'd rather die than let you eat me!"

 Claeg's mood instantly plummeted to a point even lower than before. Enraged, his eyes shimmered with bloodlust.

 "So be it," Claeg growled. He lifted the man overhead and slowly and forcibly began to rip the man in half at the torso, making sure the human felt every excruciating second of it.

 The man screamed in agony for him to stop as his body tore and blood poured from his wound, but Claeg ignored his pleas, feeling satisfaction in the sounds and feel of the man's body coming apart. Once the man was finally in two pieces, everything, including Claeg, the floor, and the other humans, was covered in blood; the thick, metallic odor now hung in the air, replacing the once stale dusty scent of the shack.

 The other humans were silent as they stared wide-eyed, trembling. The terror was written plainly across their faces. After Claeg dropped the man's body, the sound of it hitting the cement floor like a wet sack of meat echoed throughout the shack, triggering everyone's screams.

 Claeg grabbed another human – a heavyset woman this time. After removing the collar, she tried to run but fell after a few feet. Claeg grabbed her by one of her ankles and pulled her along toward the feeding room. She kicked and screamed vigorously in resistance, even going as far as leaving a trail of blood from her fingertips as she tried to use her nails to desperately dig into the cement floor in hopes of slowing her inevitable death. But none of it amounted to anything as Claeg effortlessly lifted her and carried her on his shoulder.

 On his way, he kicked a couple of buckets with cleaning supplies toward the humans.

 "The smell of blood makes me hungry. Make sure that's cleaned up by the time I'm finished. Otherwise, one of you will be next."

 With that, he opened the door to the feeding room, and an overwhelming blast of a blood-scented aroma hit him. None of the humans were allowed there, so it wasn't cleaned after his last few meals. This caused him to lose what little self-control he had left. Frenzied, he threw the screaming woman into the room and rushed in on his prey, the heavy metal door locking behind him.


Fun fact: Though the siblings' cannibalistic interests has always been similar, Claeg prefers to eat everything to the bone while Kaila considers herself a little more refine, preferring to only drink the blood of her victims. 

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