Chapter XVII: The Once Mighty (Pt.1)

 It was morning. I was back home, glancing out a window, admiring the early November feel in the air and the multi-colored trees as autumn continued its push toward the end of the year.

 And what a hell of a year it's been. To think that just yesterday I had almost died.... Once Damien had returned us home, he proposed that I not be left alone again. Since then, I hadn't been able to catch a moment to myself. Naomi had even resorted to sleeping with me to ensure no one snuck in while we slept.

 The droning of the large, hanging TV in the background became more audible as Trik turned the volume up.

 "It seems Mr. Kage and Ms. Akrosa have been busy."

 It was a story about how one of TekTra's properties in Virginia reportedly suffered from a bad fire accident. The number of casualties was unknown as the reporters surrounding the installation were being bordered off by several Holders. But we could tell some kind of camouflage technology was being used to conceal the actual state of the property as thick clouds of smoke managed to break through its perimeters, causing it to flicker. Underneath the veil appeared to be some abnormally dark place. I could only imagine shady business taking place there. Nothing good.

 Trik paused the TV at the perfect place, giving us a better glimpse of what the base looked like. Aside from the smoke, darkness, and damaged buildings, we also noticed small objects scattered on the ground. The details were too small to be sure, but I had a good idea of what they were.

 "Are those bodies?" Naomi got closer to the TV.

 "It appears so," Arne answered, their arms crossed. "It seems they're having fun and being productive."

 That's their idea of fun?

 Looking at the screen, I felt a little relief. "They have the right idea; destroying Avarice's resources should help prevent him from creating any more klevonians and hinder any other plans he has stored...but killing everyone there is too much."

 "We don't know if they're all dead or not," Naomi commented, but her tone was uncertain, indicating that even she knew they all likely were.

 "I doubt they'll stop there," Trik inserted. "And Mr. Gulliver isn't likely to sit idly by as they continue to destroy his assets."

 Naomi looked at me for direction, giving me the floor. "Should one of us go help them?"

 I glanced at Damien, who had been mostly silent that morning. He remained unresponsive, waiting for my evaluation, but I caught a glimpse of eagerness in his gaze. Like he wanted to volunteer to go himself. Still, I thought about what we should do. The Watchers were still preparing themselves to confront Avarice and his Holders.... Still, if Tymon and Za'Fia continued their approach, that would give us fewer obstacles once the confrontation started.

 This wasn't a future that Viraa had shown maybe...maybe this route would keep my family alive...

 "No, they seem to have things under control," I asserted. "Interfering might not help them, plus I'd rather not get involved in that. I'd rather as little blood be shed as possible; splitting us up even more doesn't seem like a good idea right now."

 Damien's expression told me he approved of my decision. However, I could tell he would've proposed something different. On the other hand, Arne watched me with indifference, making it difficult to discern their emotion.

 Trik levitated toward me. "Mr. Heart thought of another advancement last night. He connected my sensors to the branch's satellite to help me detect things from a much greater range in case they attempt to come for you again. It'll also allow me to keep track of everyone. I'll let you know if I pick up any signatures heading toward Mr. Kage."

 "Thanks," I nodded in approval as my c-chip received an incoming transmission from Vicki. "Vicki? Hey, please say you're calling with good news."

 "Something's happening." There was a seriousness to her voice. "I've been snooping around and discovered Avarice has been planning something involving Michael. I wanted to figure out what it was before calling, but everyone but the twins was gone when I woke. They left earlier this morning. Where is Michael?"

 "Michael flew out to help some people he'd sensed earlier," I looked at Trik, my eyes communicating silently.

 "He's up north near Quebec," he verified as he closed his eyes in concentration. His eyes suddenly fluttered open. "And so are the others."

 Arne jerked forward as Damien and Naomi's heads snapped in the same direction.

 "What's going on?" I asked anxiously.

 "Michael just transformed..." Damien answered.

 Arne grinned and, without a word, blasted out the window, heading toward the fight. Naomi turned and looked at me and Damien for reassurance.

 "You go. I'll stay here to protect Alissia and Trik," Damien told her. Naomi smiled and rushed out the window after Arne.


 A few minutes earlier...

There was snow everywhere – thick snow, at least ankle deep, that Michael was sure was abnormal for this time of year. The crisp wind was weak as the snow fell lightly to the ground. He recalled hearing a few humans talking about a cold surge passing through, no doubt the reason behind this early snow.

 Michael was treading through the thick snow, leaving a group of poor humans who had required help. As usual, he'd healed those who needed healing. He directed them to the Church of Light in Poland, where they'd find a place to live, and gave them money to help them on their journey.

 Now, he was taking some time to himself before heading back to the others where he'd have to protect the human. Between her being explicitly targeted by Avarice and a war on the brink of erupting, he doubted he'd have much time to himself after this.

 Unfortunately, the universe wouldn't grant him even the briefest moment of reprieve as he suddenly detected multiple life signatures approaching him quickly. In the next instant, Avarice, Verin, Junichiro, Wren, and Trevor each crash-landed around him.

 Puzzled, Michael casually looked up at the sky and saw a jet flying thousands of feet overhead. He immediately understood that they had suppressed their power long before arriving on the plane, preventing him from sensing them. It wasn't until they were right on top of him that he could pick up on their life signatures instead.