Chapter 4 Mistakes and Retribution_1

"Ah! Why, why…" Xia Jing screamed as if she had lost her mind.

"Xia Jing, wait for me, wait for me."

Zhang Zhentian saw Xia Jing dash out like a madwoman, and he immediately gave chase, but the more he chased, the further she seemed to go, and he just couldn't catch sight of her. He was so anxious he was nearly going insane. In that moment, he suddenly realized what it felt like to lose someone he loved. But he had no idea where to look for her.

After running away from Zhang Zhentian, Xia Jing returned to the Mercenary Group's secret base. She was now ready to strike back. She wanted to ruin Li Jiayuan, wanted her dead, wanted her to completely disappear from this world, to vanish from her sight. Xia Jing got back and immediately began organizing her mercenaries for a fatal blow against Li Jiayuan.

"Xiao Wei, come here, I need to talk to you."

Xiao Wei was a squad leader in the Mercenary Group and also Xia Jing's right-hand man, having killed countless people. He regarded Xia Jing as his own elder sister. Whatever Xia Jing needed, he would lay down his life without any hesitation.

"Elder Sister Xia, what do you need me to do?" Xiao Wei saw that Xia Jing looked upset. "What happened, Elder Sister Xia?"

"It's nothing too serious, but I have something I need you to do."

"Elder Sister Xia, just tell me, no need to be polite, I'll make sure it's done well!"

"Alright, Xiao Wei." Xia Jing looked at Xiao Wei. "By the way, Xiao Wei, do you know Li Jiayuan from the Li Corporation?"

"Elder Sister Xia, I know her, what's up?"

"What's up? That Li Corporation's heiress, Li Jiayuan, dared to steal my man. I want her to disappear. You know what to do, I don't need to teach you. Go on!" After saying this, Xia Jing waved her hand and left.

Xiao Wei was still stunned. He found it bizarre—how could the brainless Li Jiayuan have tangled with Elder Sister Xia? Everyone knew she was the leader of the mercenaries and not someone to mess with. That woman must have had a screw loose to provoke Elder Sister Xia. It seemed this time nobody could save her. He just wondered if Li Jiayuan would be shocked when she found out that the person ordering her death was none other than the woman whose man she had stolen—if she would be astonished [curiosity/curiosity].


Xiao Wei, ghost-like, arrived in Li Jiayuan's bedroom. Li Jiayuan had just returned home and upon entering saw someone with a knife inside her room. She stood there frozen, as if shocked stupid, forgetting to react.

Who is this person? How dare they brazenly enter my bedroom? And to top it off, they don't leave upon seeing the homeowner but stand there! Are they sick in the head?

"Hey, who are you? How did you get into my bedroom? Are you a thief?" Li Jiayuan finally reacted and asked Xiao Wei.

With a smile hiding malice, Xiao Wei said to Li Jiayuan, "Are you asking me?"

"Are you blind or are you deaf? If I'm not asking you, then who am I asking? Don't you see it's just you dressed like a thief standing here?"

"Oh~ so you were asking me? You don't need to know who I am. All you need to know is that I'm here to kill you. When you get to Yama's Palace, you can ask Lord Yama who I am!" Xiao Wei said as he pressed the blade against Li Jiayuan's neck.

"What are you doing? Just tell me, how much money do you want?"

This dumb little sweetie wouldn't think that I came to kill her just to extort her money, would she? I was ordered by Elder Sister Xia to take her life.

"Li Jiayuan, you can't still be clueless about why I want to kill you, can you?" Is this woman stupid? She has no idea who she has offended?

"Sorry, I really don't know why you want to kill me. Is it because I'm the heiress to the Li Corporation, and you want to extort me?" Li Jiayuan pushed down the knife that was held against her neck with her hand.

"Sigh, since you don't know, I don't mind telling you, you shouldn't have, you really shouldn't have offended my Elder Sister Xia. It was bad enough you offended her, but you even dared to steal Elder Sister Xia's man. Knowing that Elder Sister Xia is the head of the Mercenary Group, with so many people under her command, you still dared to provoke her carelessly; aren't you just asking for death?"

After Xiao Wei told Li Jiayuan the truth, he looked at her with pity. Li Jiayuan, being stared at, couldn't help but laugh, feeling that the person in front of her was just Xia Jing's lackey.

"Wow, so you were talking about that Xia Jing from the Mercenary Group! I thought it was someone else. So it's just the woman who wishes to marry into a wealthy family yet isn't favored by the man's parents! Hahaha! This is just too funny." Li Jiayuan laughed heartily.


Li Jiayuan was laughing joyfully, but Xiao Wei's face turned extremely ugly. He had not expected the seemingly fearless Mercenary, who everyone else was afraid of, to be treated with such recklessness and disrespect by this dumb little sweetie—the leader of the Mercenary Group, no less. This was indeed the first time he had seen someone so audacious. Didn't this woman fear death at all?

Should I really kill her? Her comments about Elder Sister Xia dictate that I should kill her for Elder Sister Xia's sake, but this woman is quite amusing. If I really killed her, the Li Corporation would certainly not let Elder Sister Xia off. But if I didn't kill her, then what would I say when I went back to Elder Sister Xia? Forget it, I'll spare her life for now!

"Dumb little sweetie, listen up. Today I'll spare your life here, but you better not provoke Elder Sister Xia again. Understand? Otherwise, even I won't be able to save you."


Xiao Wei flipped and leaped out the window, leaving Li Jiayuan standing there expressionless.

The next day, Xiao Wei returned to the secret base and knelt in front of Xia Jing's door, waiting for the storm that would ensue when she came out. Moments later, Xia Jing walked out slowly, only to see Xiao Wei kneeling on the ground as she stepped out of the room.

"Xiao Wei, what are you doing here? Is the mission completed?" Xia Jing's lips curved into a faint smile, but Xiao Wei's response was like a bucket of cold water on her.

"Elder Sister Xia, I didn't complete the mission."

Xia Jing's face turned instantly: "What? Why not? Did you fail or what happened?" Xia Jing looked fiercely at Xiao Wei.

"Elder Sister Xia, it wasn't that I failed, but that I didn't kill her. I don't think she's a bad person, so I spared her life. Please, Elder Sister Xia, punish me." Xiao Wei slammed his forehead onto the ground heavily.

"Haven't you forgotten the rules? What should you do if you don't complete a mission?"

"Sever an arm." Xiao Wei used the knife he carried with him to chop off his own left arm.