Chapter 5 Complaint_1

Xiao Wei, after chopping off his own arm, watched as blood spurted from the limb like a fountain, splashing across his clothes. The black outfit he wore for the assassination was now marked by faint traces of blood, creating a horrifying sight.

Could it be that Xiao Wei felt no pain as he swung the blade down and severed his own arm?

No, he was in pain, but he knew all too well that as a mercenary, he had to follow the orders from his superiors. If he failed to complete a mission assigned by his superiors, punishment was inevitable. There are laws for the country and rules for the home. As a mercenary, obedience to commands was mandatory.

Xia Jing was stunned to see Xiao Wei unhesitatingly chop off his own arm. She had always thought that Xiao Wei would plead for mercy, explain why he had failed to complete the mission, and why he didn't kill Li Jiayuan, but she never imagined that Xiao Wei would simply accept the punishment—to lose an arm!

Xia Jing now saw Xiao Wei in a new light, thinking that he did have a man's courage to sever his own arm like that.

"Xiao Wei, you really didn't have to chop off your own arm. You just needed to explain why you failed the mission, why you didn't kill that bitch Li Jiayuan. Why wouldn't you speak?" Xia Jing said, unable to bear the sight of his severed arm.

Upon hearing Xia Jing's words, Xiao Wei stared at her dumbfounded. Was this still the leader of the Mercenary Group?

"Elder Sister Xia, if a mission is not completed, punishment must follow. That's the rule, and we cannot break the group's regulations, right?" Xiao Wei said, looking at Xia Jing.

Seeing Xiao Wei speak like this, Xia Jing had no choice but to grit her teeth and admit that what he said made sense.

Failing to kill that bitch Li Jiayuan could spell trouble in the future. Would she tell Zhang Zhentian? Or perhaps she would go to Old Master Zhang? Old Master Zhang had always looked down on her, and if Li Jiayuan ran to him complaining that I wanted her dead, Old Master Zhang would despise me even more. If that was the case, getting together with Zhang Zhentian would become even more difficult. If Zhang Zhentian knew that I sent Xiao Wei to kill Li Jiayuan, would he be angry with me? What should I do now? Sigh!

Li Corporation.

Li Jiayuan hurriedly ran into the President of Li Corporation's office to complain to her dad.

The President of Li Corporation was Li Jiayuan's father, named Li Haixiao, who owned fifty percent of the company's shares, making him the largest shareholder of the Li Corporation. He was unpredictable in character and adored his youngest daughter. Li Jiayuan was considered his precious gem.

"Dad, your daughter has come to see you." Li Jiayuan pushed the door of the office open and rushed in.

Li Haixiao was surprised to see his beloved daughter visit him at the company, but he quickly broke into a smile. "Jiayuan, you're here! Come, come to daddy's side. It's been years; have you missed daddy?"

"Daddy, of course, your daughter missed you. Have you missed your daughter? I've been abroad for three years. In these three years, you seem to have gotten younger," Li Jiayuan moved next to Li Haixiao and began acting coquettishly, which made her father beam with joy. Li Haixiao couldn't stop smiling hearing his daughter praise him like this.

Li Haixiao hadn't seen his precious daughter for three years, and now that they'd reunited, he didn't want her to leave anymore. "Jiayuan, did you come to see daddy because you need something?"

"Dad, why would you say that? Can't your daughter come see you if there's nothing wrong?" Li Jiayuan said, purposely pouting her lips.

"You know your daddy too well, sweetheart. Remember when I wanted you to help out at the company, and you'd rather go abroad than come help your dad? And now, as soon as you're back in the country, you come looking for me at the office. Tell me, would you come to the company just to see me if you didn't have something up your sleeve?" Li Haixiao said with a smile as he looked at his beloved daughter. "Look at you, all grown up, but that pout of yours is just like when you were little. Whenever you're upset, you stick out your lip so much you could hang a donkey off it, ha ha."

Li Jiayuan felt a twinge of embarrassment as her father teased her about her little temper, and quickly said, "Dad, come on, I do have something to discuss with you at the company, but I also came to see you, okay? So don't be upset."

Seeing his daughter's coquettish behavior made Li Haixiao chuckle. How could he bear to let such an adorable daughter leave him?

"Jiayuan, come on, tell me. What do you want to talk about? Who knows, maybe your old man can help!"

"Dad, do you know Old Master Zhang from Zhang Corporation?"

"Of course I do. In the whole of City A, how many distinguished families don't know about that old man, Zhang Mo?"

"Alright then!"

"Jiayuan, why are you asking me if I know Zhang Mo, that old fox?" Li Haixiao asked, looking skeptically at Li Jiayuan.

"Dad, Old Master Zhang came to see me a few days ago."

"He came to see you? What did that old fox want with you?"

Should I tell Dad that Old Master Zhang came to talk about my marriage with his son, Zhang Zhentian? What would Dad think if I told him... Should I reveal Old Master Zhang's purpose? Even if I don't tell Dad why Old Master Zhang came to see me, he should be able to guess Old Master Zhang's motive. If even I, who never deal with the company's affairs, could guess it instantly, how much more could my dad, who has weathered countless battles in the business world?

After hesitating for a while, Li Jiayuan decided to tell her father the purpose of Old Master Zhang's visit.

"Dad, Old Master Zhang came to me because he wants me to marry his son, Zhang Zhentian!"

"What? He wants you to marry that boy? Impossible, I will never agree to this." Li Haixiao, upon hearing Li Jiayuan's words, instantly flew into a rage and stood up, banging the table.

"Yeah, Dad, why are you so angry?" Li Jiayuan couldn't believe her eyes; she had never seen her father so furious. What was going on? Why did her father flare up so much at the mere mention of Old Master Zhang and Zhang Zhentian's names? "Dad, can you tell me why the names Old Master Zhang and Zhang Zhentian make you so angry?"

"Jiayuan, in this city, who doesn't know that Zhang Zhentian fell for a woman from the Mercenary Group, and yet Old Master Zhang saw that this woman from the Mercenary Group was not only incapable of helping the company, causing its stock price to plummet instead of rise, but also led to his son turning against him. How could he possibly want such a woman to become his daughter-in-law? That would be driving the company to ruin!"

"I see. Well, Dad, you probably know Old Master Zhang's intentions too, so I won't elaborate further. You should rest up; I'll go home now. Get off work early and come home; I'll have dinner ready and we can have a good talk when you arrive!" Li Jiayuan stood up, smiled at Li Haixiao, and then turned to leave.