Knoa's mother

"Once again, on behalf of Director Althea Horace, I'm congratulating every one of you on this joyous occasion. Thank you and that's all," Knox flashed a warm smile to the orphans who managed to grow up and graduate primary school without having parents.

He suddenly thought how amazing they are to not seek the warmth of family and still focus on studying with an unerring determination and motivation.

Their lives were more unfortunate than Knox's, yet their smiles never wavered and the sparks on their eyes weren't dulled.

Somehow, he felt proud of these children, so before he knew it, his impromptu speech became a genuine, motivational, and compassionate one. He truly hopes that the children will find kind families that will adopt them and treat them like their own.

"Papa! You're amazing!" Knoa jumped on his lap after the event finished and he climbed down the stairs.

Shawn clapped his hands, "That was a tear-jerking phenomenal speech, young master."