Chapter 23

She felt her body begin to sway and her chest heave it was difficult to get any words out, "I-is this what Y-you've w-wanted... all alon-ng." She cried out through shaky breaths her back broke out into a cold sweat. 

Wesleynard's expression softened slightly as he approached her, his eyes studying her carefully.

"Your Majesty, please don't overexert yourself," he said gently. "We can discuss this later when you're feeling better." He reached out a hand to steady her, but she pulled away, her face contorted with anger and hurt.

"No." she replied. He began to grow annoyed, his expression seared into her mind unable to control her emotions she could only stare at him as tears fell from her eyes.

"No," she repeated, her voice quivering. "I won't be ignored. I want answers now."

Wesleynard hesitated for a moment, his expression growing sterner. "Very well, Your Majesty," he said, his tone indicating his reluctance to continue this discussion.

"I will explain myself to you." He walked over to her to take her in his arms, but she pushed him away, "You won't be able to walk to the council room." He explained quietly although annoyed still upholding as much patience as he could.

She continued to take a shaky step back Wesleynard sighed, understanding her reluctance to be close to him right now.

"Very well," he repeated, turning around and leading the way to the council room. As they walked, he remained silent, his thoughts racing as he tried to figure out how to explain his actions without making things worse between them.

He guided her to the deepest part of the castle Ana Sofia was shocked to see how the rooms they were staying in mirrored each other. This only added to her anger when she realized he could've come to see her at any time, but instead chose to keep her in the dark. She could barely contain her rage as they entered the council room. The room was ornately decorated, with high ceilings and intricately carved wooden panels. A large table dominated the center of the room, surrounded by plush chairs.

 She was trying her best to control her shaky breathing, but it still was coming in and out like a heavy creature on her chest. She half plopped down on the plush chair and she leaned her head all the way back to control her dizziness. As Wesleynard watched quietly he began to take off his heavy armor to give her a moment to return to normal. He walked over to the side of the room where there was a small fireplace, its warmth inviting after the cool air of the caves. As he began to remove his armor, he couldn't help but feel the weight of his actions pressing down on him.

He waited a few more minutes before Ana began to speak again, "Tell me exactly what has been happening these last few days." 

Wesleynard took a deep breath and began to explain. "Your Majesty, as you know, the kingdom of Elynor has been under threat from the neighboring kingdom of Thaloria. Daeth has been amassing an army on our borders, intent on invading and claiming our lands."

 She let him continue, "In the village we were ambushed. They had an informant under our noses. They knew that we would be here and what we would do. They knew you would be separated from us, and they attacked. "

Ana Sofia felt her heart drop in her chest, "And what did you do?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Wesleynard hesitated, his jaw tightening. "I ordered a retreat back to the cave. We set up defenses and prepared for a siege." He paused, looking at her intently. "We've been able to push them back, my intention as of now is to clear a road back to Elynor, one that is safe, it is no longer safe for you. You need to remain guarded in the castle."

Ana Sofia's heart raced, her mind whirling with the implications of his words. She took a deep breath, trying to remain calm.

"And what about the others? The knights and soldiers who followed me?" Her voice was steady, but her eyes betrayed her fear.

 "And what about the village leader? " She pressed, "Am I supposed to just abandon everyone simply because you decided this." She retaliated her disappointment obvious on her face. 

Wesleynard looked away, his expression slightly pained. "Your Majesty, I understand your concern for the villagers. But we cannot risk their lives any further. We have lost too many of our own already." He hesitated, running a hand through his hair. "As for the village leader, we have taken him into custody for questioning."

She didn't respond. She met his eyes unable to deny his actions were well done and well thought out.

She could feel her demeaner cool, "Anything else I should know. "

He sighed and closed his eyes. "Yes...the council has decided to prioritize your safety and healing of injuries by appointing Sir Ralthone as....a permanent king Regent until further notice. "

Ana Sofia gasped, her hands gripping the armrests of her chair. "You can't do this! I am still the queen!" She cried out, her voice shaking with anger and fear. "I will not be replaced by a Regent, especially one who has no right to the throne!"

 "It was a full vote." He said quietly.

"It does not matter! This is not how we do things in Elynor! I will not be replaced by a Regent!" Ana Sofia shouted; her face flushed with anger, "The people elected me, and I will not abandon them now! I didn't suffer ten years of abuse to simply be tossed aside!"

Wesleynard sighed heavily, his eyes filled with regret, "Please you must understand Ana." He responded quietly to her outburst.

She could barely hear his words as panic began to swirl in her chest. Her mind was relaying the distant memories of the first time she met him, the kiss in the forest, how she asked him to make her his and now he was telling her that she needed to be replaced. She felt her world spinning out of control, her heart pounding in her chest. Suddenly, she felt a stab of pain as if someone had punched her in the gut. She gasped for air, her hands flying to her stomach.

She cried out, Wesleynard quickly attended to her, "Ana! you haven't healed yet!" He approached her, "Don't you dare touch me." She spat out through the pain.

As Wesleynard watched her in alarm, he called out to the door "Get Natalia here quickly." Ana laughed quietly delirous at the situation occuring in front of her. The world began to muffle around her, and she knew she would collapse again.


"If you get in my way. I will Kill you." He said calmly. Ana Sofia watched as her husband had her pinned down against her bed. She trembled profusely his eyes roamed her body and she felt her stomach coil. 

"You're disgusting, and you wonder why I don't fuck you. Pathetic. Maybe I should kill you now at least that would make you more entertaining." He teased.

 She glared at him, trying to find the strength to fight back. "You wouldn't dare," she hissed. "You're just a weak, pathetic excuse for a king." Her heart raced as she waited for his response, her body trembling with fear and adrenaline.

"Watch me."


Ana Sofia opened her eyes gently to find herself surrounded by the sound of hooves, she glanced to her side to find Natalia reading a parchment.

As if feeling her awake Natalia looked up, "You're awake. We're currently on our way back to Elynor." She smiled. Ana Sofia nodded, still a bit dazed from the sudden transition between realities.

"Thank you for your assistance," she said softly, trying to keep the tremor from her voice. Natalia's expression turned serious.

"I'm sorry about what happened between you and Wesleynard. I know how much it hurts."

 Ana Sofia paused, "Please I have just awoken. I don't want to be reminded of that man." She said grimly.

Natalia offered a meek nod in return, trying to shove the memory of him away from her mind she took in her surroundings. She was in a rather large carriage it fit a bed and a small living area she was impressed but she didn't recall having this during their travels. 

"This is a temporary living arrangement," Natalia explained, noticing Ana Sofia's curiosity. "We have been provided with a more comfortable mode of transportation while we make our way back to Elynor. The journey will take several days."

She paused, considering how much to reveal. "I see," Ana Sofia replied, trying to keep her tone neutral.

"Thank you for the information. I assume you have a plan in place for our arrival?"

Natalia nodded. "Yes, of course. We will be met by a small group of knights who will escort us back to the castle."

"How are my injuries" She questioned.

"You are still healing, but the wounds have closed and there is no sign of infection. You should be able to resume your duties once we arrive back in Elynor," Natalia replied, her eyes studying Ana Sofia's face for any signs of distress.

"However, I advise you to take it slow."

Ana Sofia scoffed, "There will be no duties for me, haven't you heard? They've tossed me aside."

Natalia looked at her with concern, "Ana, that's not true. You are still the queen, and they need you. We will figure this out together."

Ana Sofia could barely muster up a response she glanced out the window letting her eyes fixate on the rolling hills and tall trees, for now she would let herself daydream reality hurt too much. As the days passed, the journey back to Elynor became a blur for Ana Sofia. She spent most of her time alone in the carriage, lost in thought or dozing off intermittently. Natalia tried her best to engage her in conversation, but Ana Sofia seemed distant and preoccupied.

 As the days passed, the journey back to Elynor became a blur for Ana Sofia. She spent most of her time alone in the carriage, lost in thought or dozing off intermittently. Natalia tried her best to engage her in conversation, but Ana Sofia seemed distant and preoccupied. The journey was smooth despite the danger of Daeth attacking at any moment Wesleynard had really been true to his word in securing a safe path. Thinking of him only brought a dull feeling to her chest She closed her eyes trying to push the thoughts away, but they kept creeping back in like a persistent ghost. The closer they got to Elynor, the more anxious she felt. She knew that once they arrived, everything would change. She would no longer be the queen; she would be just another widow in mourning. Why was it always men that took everything from her? Ana Sofia asked herself as she stared blankly out the window of the carriage. Her heart was heavy, and her spirit broken as she relived the events that had led to this point. From the moment she had met her first husband, he had been abusive both physically and emotionally. She had thought things would be different with Wesleynard, but he too had turned out to be a disappointment. He had promised to protect her and the kingdom, but in the end, he had betrayed them both. Now, she was left with nothing but pain and regret. When they finally arrived on the outskirts of town, she felt relief but, more so numbness. They reached the gates of the castle in a few hours; she stared up at the looming structure. From here on out she would simply be like a bird in a gilded cage.